Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Related 'How To' Tutorials

Operator Email

This section of the Operator form sets Email parameters for the operator. The settings are explained below.

Operator Email

Email Signature

Collect! will add the contents of the file displayed in this field to your outgoing emails. You can simply type in the name of a file to use.

This field only applies to the ad-hoc emails sent via the Email icon in the email field that opens the Send Mail form.

When populated with a file with a TXT extension, the text file is loaded into the Email Body. You can then update the email body with your own text and send the email.

When populated with a file with an HTML extension (not HTM), the email body remains blank. You can put in your email text, then send the email. When the email is sent, the HTML file is wrapped around the text that you just typed in. The body is inside a <pre> tag, so by default, the text is plain text. You can use CSS inside the HTML file to format the PRE tag with any formatting that you want.

Useful Note Collect! looks in the Collect\config\email folder by default.

Useful Note You can create different signature files for different operators. If you have a disclaimer, caveat or any text message of several paragraphs that you would like to always include in each email, you can simply create a signature file in Notepad and save it as a TXT file in Collect\config\email.

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Email Server IP

Enter the IP address of your Email Server, if not specified on the Database Preferences form. This field is an override and typically left blank.

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Email Type

Select an option for sending emails. The options are:

  • Default: This option will use the Email Type configured on the Report and Printer Setup form. If the system is also set as Default, then MAPI will be used.
  • SMTP: Select this option if you are routing your emails through an email server. This option is used if you have an email server that either doesn't require user authentication or all users use the same email account.
  • SQL: Select this option if you have enabled emailing in Microsoft SQL Server. When selected, the Operator can navigate to the Reload Work in Progress List form and click the Configure Email button to enter their email settings.
  • MAPI: Select this option to send emails via your local email client that is set as the default in Windows. Microsoft has been moving to deprecate MAPI, so this option may not be available in your operating system.

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