Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Reload Work In Progress List

Refresh your Work In Progress (WIP) list by reloading from the database. Access WIP Options and WIP Reload Filters forms where you can change WIP List load settings. Select other Operator IDs to load multiple WIP Lists.

Promise, Review, Phone and Other contacts scheduled for today and the past, and assigned to your Operator ID are loaded into your To Do List automatically, each time you open it fresh.

Useful Note By default, contacts are loaded with today's date at the top and then by oldest to newest dates. Contacts with the same Date are sub-sorted by Priority, from oldest to newest. Contacts with the same Priority are sub-sorted by Name and then by Type. Timed contacts always go below normal contacts and are sorted by Time.

You may load contacts for a specific Client, Date Range or Operator. Select OK to reload the WIP List with these new specifications.

Configure Email settings from this form or use the Load Spreading option to reschedule contacts over a given date range.

Reload Work In Progress List

The Reload Work In Progress List form is accessed when you press the Reload button in the Work In Progress form.

Contacts For Today And Past

Set this option to look in the database for contacts scheduled for today and the past. Phone, Reviews, Promises and Other Contact types are loaded by default.

To load other specific Contact types, select the Select Types button to access the WIP Reload Filters form.

Useful Note To add new contacts that may have been entered since you first loaded your WIP List, you must reload. We recommend that all operators reload regularly, throughout the day.

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Contacts For Today Only

Set this option to look in the database for contacts scheduled for today only. Phone, Reviews, Promises and Other Contact types are loaded by default.

To load other specific Contact types, select the Select Types button to access the WIP Reload Filters form.

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Search All Dates

Set this option to look in the database for all contacts, regardless of their scheduled date. Phone, Reviews, Promises and Other Contact types are loaded by default.

To load other specific Contact types, select the Select Types button to access the WIP Reload Filters form.

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Search By Range

Set this option to look in the database for all contacts scheduled in between two specified dates, listed in the From and To fields. Phone, Reviews, Promises and Other Contact types are loaded by default.

To load other specific Contact types, select the Select Types button to access the WIP Reload Filters form.

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If Search By Range is selected, this field determines the date up to until which contacts will be loaded.

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If Search By Range is selected, this field determines the date from which contacts will be loaded.

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Load Contacts For Operator

You can choose a specific Operator and load all the contacts belonging to that Operator. This enables you, as a manager, to monitor an Operator.

You can enable your Operators to load multiple WIP Lists while limiting the operators they can load. To do this, set up an Operator Group in the Operator form and switch ON 'Enable Operator Group'. Please refer to Help topic, Operator Group for details.

  1. Press F2 to choose an Operator ID. The Operator list will display.
  2. Click an Operator in the list whose WIP List you want to load. The Operator list closes automatically and the Operator ID is entered this field.
  3. Click OK to load that Operator's WIP List.

Useful Note If you leave this field blank, Collect! loads contacts for the Operator you are signed in as. This is the default behavior whenever the WIP List loads, unless you have selected a different Operator ID to view.

Useful Note The Operator list set up in the Operator Group tab will override any custom pick list attached to this field when you have 'Enable Operator Group' switched ON.

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Load Contacts For Client

By default, Collect! loads contacts for all clients in a given operator's WIP List. You can limit this to a single Client.

  1. Press F2 to select a Client. The Client list will display. Start typing to scroll the list to the Client you want to choose.
  2. Click on the Client or press Enter and the Client's number is entered in this field.
  3. Useful Note When the WIP List loads, it will contain only contacts for Debtors belonging only to the Client you chose.

  4. If you do not choose a Client, this field will be blank and the system will load contacts for all clients. So leave the field blank to load contacts regardless of the Client the Operator's accounts belong to.

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Time From

Enter a beginning time to load into the operator's queue. This field determines the account's local time using the Timezone field on the Debtor's form. Time value is entered in the format 8:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) and uses the 24 hour clock.

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Time To

Enter an ending time to load into the operator's queue. This field determines the account's local time using the Timezone field on the Debtor's form. Time value is entered in the format 17:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) and uses the 24 hour clock.

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WIP Filters

Select the WIP FILTERS button to open the WIP Reload Filters form where you may select the types of Contacts you want Collect! to load into your WIP List. These can include Letter, Plan or any of the automated contacts that provide methods for checking batch operations. By default Collect! loads Promises, Reviews, Phone and Other contacts.

The WIP Reload Filters form also enables you to set a maximum number of contacts to load, a number of days to look ahead when loading the WIP List, and a number days to consider as grace days when managing promises.

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WIP Options

Select the WIP OPTIONS button to open the WIP Options form where you may set options controlling the behavior of your WIP List. You can control if an Auto Dialer runs automatically on Phone contacts, how contacts are processed, your default new Contact Type and other details.

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Load Spreading

Select the LOAD SPREADING button to open the Load Spreading form. This option lets you distribute accounts from your WIP List over a Date Range.

Imagine you've just imported a few thousand accounts, and they're all assigned to one Operator. You can organize your To Do List to spread the workload evenly over a number of days. Please see the Help topic, Load Spreading for more information.

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Configure Email

Click this button to configure your email settings. You must first have your email type set on the Operator Email form of the Operator record.

At present, the only email configuration that is supported is with Microsoft SQL.

Useful Note You cannot have multiple email accounts for a single operator, so clicking this button will automatically delete any existing configuration.

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Delete Email Settings

Click this button to delete your email configuration settings.

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Timed Contacts

When you select OK to reload your To Do List, any timed contacts that have been scheduled will be activated. These contacts will pop up on the screen at the time chosen. If you are working a contact from your WIP ( Work In Progress), the pop up will occur after you leave the account and return to your WIP.

Useful Note If you choose "Snooze" to stop these contacts from popping up, you can reactivate them by reloading your WIP.

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Selecting this button will save any changes you made and return you to the previous form.

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Save AS Default

Select this option to save the current WIP Reload settings as default settings used the next time you sign into Collect!.

This button is used when you are setting up WIP options for a specific user.

Saving these settings as your default also saves your Auto Dialer and Printer settings, the WIP Options and your current WIP Reload settings.

These settings are stored in a file named {yourid}.cfg in the program folder.

Useful Note Once you have saved the Operator Configuration for an operator, you can use the Copy Operator Configuration feature, to set the same settings for all operators in your system with the same User Level.

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Selecting this button will ignore any changes you made and return you to the previous form.

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Press this button for help on the Reload Work In Progress List dialog and links to related topics.

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