Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Report And Printer Setup

The Report and Printer Setup menu lets you manage settings for printing in Collect!. Select a printing method - Default Printer Stream, Browser or Device Context. Edit Reports takes you to reports and letters that you can modify, or lets you create a new one. To rebuild the list of database fields used to pull information from your database into reports, choose Printable Information. Edit Style Sheet lets you edit the HTML page for printing to your browser.

View the list of printers Collect! can print to in your system by selecting Printer Setup. Select Printer Control Codes to customize the printer codes for fonts, bold, underline and other options. These codes work along with the printing method you choose. They determine how your reports are displayed.

Fine-tune the Address OK functionality used during batch printing by selecting Required Address Fields. This lets you set your required address lines easily in one place rather than relying solely on the "Address OK" switch on each account.

Report and Printer Setup

Print Via Device Context

This setting uses Windows printing features. When you select it, you can print documents containing images and graphics. It is suggested that new users leave this setting switched ON as Collect!'s default system-wide printing setting.

On an individual Operator level, this setting can be over-ridden by settings on the Operator form.

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Print Via Browser

Select this setting to switch ON default system-wide printing through HTML pages and your Internet browser. When you use this setting, Collect! will use your system or operator style sheet as the HTML framework for your report. This produces an attractive quickly formatted report that you can preview on the screen, print to your browser, or save and attach to an email or fax.

On an individual Operator level, this setting can be over-ridden by settings on the Operator form.

Useful Note A great use of this setting is for Quick Prints that look attractive. The resulting HTML pages can then be printed to your printer from your browser.

Select the 'Edit Style Sheet' button to modify the HTML page that Collect! uses for printing via browser.

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Default Printer Stream

This setting is for backward compatibility with older versions of Collect!. It allows you to continue printing your older reports accurately in a familiar format. This setting cannot read Collect!'s new graphic commands, however.

Switch this ON for system-wide printer stream printing. On an individual Operator level, this setting can be over-ridden by settings on the Operator form.

Please choose the 'Print Via Device Context' setting if you intend to print our new reports and templates, or to design your own reports using graphics or images.

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Disable Contact Control Notes

Switch this ON to disable the note lines that are written for letters that are skipped when printing due to the letter failing a Contact Control rule.

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Don't Use Ontario Format

Switch this ON if you are using the Letter Service module and you wish to produce your Letter Service file in a CSV format rather than the default, Ontario file format. This format will prepend the output with some CSV data related to the debtor that is being output. Please refer to the help topic How to Setup Letter Service File Format - Not Ontario Format for more information.

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Insert #K#03 Segment

Switch this ON if you are using the Letter Service module and you wish to send the #K#03 segment in your Letter Service file. This requirement should be confirmed with the Letter Service provider that you are using.

When NCOA check is enabled for letter service, the #K#03 segment will be included for debtors with Address OK switched ON. Debtors with unverified addresses - Address OK switched OFF - will be preceded by the #K#02 segment, instead.

If NCOA check is not enabled, the #K#03 segment will precede every debtor printed to the letter service file, that means both verified and non-verified addresses.

Please refer to How To Use Letter Service for more information.

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Restrict To Cosigner Only

Switch this ON if you want your Letter Service report to only consider Cosigner records where the "Class" is set to "Cosigner." When the switch is OFF, all Cosigners will be reported for each account if you have agreed to "Print to Cosigners" in your Letter Service process.

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Letter Service Custom Format

Switch this ON if you are using the Letter Service module and you wish to produce your Letter Service file in a custom format rather than the default, Ontario file format. When outputting to the letter service file, Collect! will not prepend or append any data. Please refer to the help topic How to Setup Letter Service File Format - Not Ontario Format for more information.

Useful Note Selecting this switch overwrites the "Don't use Ontario format" switch, so it is not necessary to switch both on.

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Letter Service Separator

The character entered in this field will be used by Collect! as a field separator when outputting data to a Letter Service file. By default, the comma is used, but you may want to use a semicolon, for instance. This depends on the requirements of the outsourcing service you are using.

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Batch Emails Send AS Operator

Warning Note WARNING: At present, this option only applies to the SQL email configuration.

By default, when you send emails as reports (Scheduled Batch Letters or Print -> Reports and Letters), Collect! uses the system email account below to send emails. The reply address is the email on the Company Details form.

Check this box, if you want to use the email account and reply address of the Operator who initiated the email(s).

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Email Type

Select an option for sending emails. The options are:

  • Default: This option will use the Email Type configured on the Operator Email form. If the Operator is also set as Default, then MAPI will be used.
  • SMTP: Select this option if you are routing your emails through an email server. This option is used if you have an email server that either doesn't require user authentication or all users use the same email account.
  • SQL: Select this option if you have enabled emailing in Microsoft SQL Server. When selected, the Operator can navigate to the Reload Work in Progress List form and click the Configure Email button to enter their email settings.
  • MAPI: Select this option to send emails via your local email client that is set as the default in Windows. Microsoft has been moving to deprecate MAPI, so this option may not be available in your operating system.

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Configure Email

Click this button to configure your email settings for the system. This option is the email account to be used for Batch Letters, which is typically sent from a system account, rather than an individual Operator.

At present, the only email configuration that is supported is with Microsoft SQL.

Useful Note You cannot have multiple email accounts for a single operator, so clicking this button will automatically delete any existing configuration.

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Edit Reports

Select this button to view the Report Definition list of all the reports and letters that are in the system. From this list, you can view, edit, delete and create new reports.

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Edit Style Sheet

Select this button to open your default System Style Sheet in your Internet browser. You can edit this HTML style sheet or create a new one for an individual operator.

Useful Note Collect! ships with a sample style sheet template in the Demonstration database. This is stored in the Collect\bin\Styles folder. It is named "System.html." Edit this System.html to suit your own Company.

To use Style Sheets, you must select Print via Browser as your printing method.

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Printable Information

Select this button to view the Printable Field list. This is a list of all the fields in the database that can be included in reports. From this list, you can choose REBUILD to rebuild the list of database field codes.

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Printer Control Codes

Select this button to view the list of Printer Control Codes. These are the printer commands that determine font and page attributes for your printer. From this list, you can modify a code, if necessary. You can also create a custom printer control code.

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Printer Setup

Select this button to view the Printer Setup form. You will see a list of all the printers you have used in your system. You can select one of the printers to view or change the settings for printer type. Please see the Troubleshooting section below for more information.

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Fax Setup

Select this button to open the Fax Setup form where you can enter default phone numbers to use when using the Print To Fax feature.

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SMS Email Setup

Select this button to open the SMS Email Setup form where you can enter default phone numbers to use when using the SMS Email feature.

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Required Address Fields

Select this button to open the Required Address Fields form where you can specify mandatory fields that must be filled when printing your letter batch.

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Press this button for help on the Report and Printer Setup dialog and links to related topics.

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Selecting this button will close this form and return you to the previous form.

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Troubleshooting Report And Printer Setup

Collect! uses your operating system's default printer settings. You can view the printers you have installed by looking at the Control Panel, Printers. If a printer is installed and has been selected as the default printer for your system, then Collect! will use this printer the first time you print from within Collect! Then that printer will show up in the list that is displayed when you select the PRINTER SETUP button. These settings are stored in a text file named printers.cfg in the program home folder. This file can safely be deleted and Collect! will create a new one.

Collect! enables you to store up to 32 printers in your printer list.

Useful Note You must shut down Collect! completely and restart the RDS Server to update the printers.cfg. When you do this, Collect! will read your list of installed printers and populate the list to be shown in Collect!'s Printer Setup.

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