Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Print Statements

Print statements and invoices for your Clients at Month End, or any other time.

Normally when you print statements, the Date Range FROM and TO fields should both display the same date. Statements bearing this date must be in your system, already generated using the Generate Statements option.

Print a statement for each of your clients, select a range of clients or a billing period, or print statements for a selected date range. (Statements within this date range must already exist in your system.)

When you print the invoices/statements please note that if you choose to calculate invoices over the period June 1 to June 30, the invoices/statements will be dated July 1st. Therefore, when you print the invoices/statements, be sure to choose the 1st of the next month as the desired print range in both the FROM and TO fields.

Once Statements are Printed, Collect! will create a Letter Contact on the Client containing a copy of the statement for auditing purposes.

Accessing Print Statements

There are two ways to access this form:

  1. From the Main Menu, select the Month End option. Then select Print Statements.
  2. Select Print from the top menu bar and then select Monthly Reports from the drop-down choices. Select Print Statements from the sub-menu.

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Client #

Select a range of Clients to print statements for.

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Clients With Billing Period

Select the billing period for which you wish to print statements.

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Date Range

Pick a range to cover in your statements. Click the small calendar icon to display the calendar.

Useful Note When you print invoices/statements, please note that if you choose to calculate invoices over the period June 1 to June 30, the invoices/statements will be dated July 1st. Therefore, when you print the invoices/statements be sure to choose the 1st of the next month as the desired print range.

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Choose the beginning of a range to include when printing the statements. Statements bearing a date within the FROM and TO range must be in your system, already generated using the Generate Statements option.

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Choose the end of a range to include when printing the statements. Statements bearing a date within the FROM and TO range must be in your system, already generated using the Generate Statements option.

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Press this button for help on the Print Statements dialog and links to related topics.

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Selecting this ignores any changes you may have made and returns you to the previous screen.

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Selecting this begins the printing process using the settings you have chosen.

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