Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Page Table of Contents Related 'How To' Tutorials

Main Menu

Welcome! You are signed on to a database, and the files are now open for your use.

The Main Menu is organized into the basic tasks you perform in Collect!. Select one of the tasks below, or use the Menus at the top, for quick access to information and tools.

Use the convenient Quick Search area to find an account to work. This feature works the same as the Find By options in the Browse menu.

Work In Progress lists all activities (contacts) you have scheduled To Do today.

Daily Administration takes you to menu selections for tasks you perform on a daily basis, like entering new business, payments and charges, and printing letters and reports.

On a daily basis, you should use the Work In Progress and Daily Administration options. Other options will be used periodically, as needed.

Month End is for your periodic and month end accounting. This includes generating and printing statements, checks, and reports for payables and receivables.

System Administration takes you to menu selections for setting up Collect! and running database maintenance.

Reports makes it convenient to print several standard reports that are used most often. You can also choose to print your daily letter batch.

Tutorials takes you to the FLASH format Tutorials video which demonstrates basic functions in Collect! that you will use every day in your business operation.

Main Menu

Work In Progress

Select this button to open the Work In Progress (WIP) List. This is a To Do List that displays a work queue for the operator who has signed into Collect!. The WIP List displays any uncompleted contacts that the operator has been assigned to look after. This enables you to follow up specific accounts. By default, Promises, Phone, Review and Other contacts are displayed in the WIP List.

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Daily Administration

Select this button to view the Daily Administration menu where you can choose from a series of standard daily office procedures, like entering new business, payments and charges, and printing letters and reports.

Daily Administration lets you:

  • Post new business
  • Print daily reports
  • Enter Client and Debtor payments
  • Perform daily account batch functions

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Month End

Select this button to view the Month End menu where you can choose from a series of standard month or selected period end accounting procedures.

Month End lets you:

  • Calculate statements and invoices
  • Prints monthly statements
  • Print your accounts receivable summary
  • Print your accounts payable summary
  • Print month or period end reports

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System Administration

Select this button to view the System Administration menu where you can set up Collect! to suit your needs and run maintenance on your database.

Setup and Configuration

This takes you to various areas for setting up Collect! for the way you do business.

Database Maintenance

This takes you to the database maintenance dialog where you can adjust your settings and run the internal maintenance routines.

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Select this button to open the Reports menu where you can select from a variety of analytical and summary reports. Print your own customized reports from this menu or run your daily scheduled letter batch.

Reports you can print from this menu include:

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Select this button to access the Tutorials page where you can play the FLASH format Tutorials video to see an overview of basic functions and features in Collect!.

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Quick Search

Use this area of the Main Menu to quickly browse your database and find accounts. The searching criteria for these Quick Search fields follows the same guidelines as the Browse, Find By menu options.

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File No

Please enter a File Number to search for. For example, type '4371' to find that file. This searches for an exact match.

Type a File Number to search for and press ENTER.

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Acct No

Please enter an Account Number to search for. For example, type '616' to find all numbers starting with 616.

Type '*616' to find all numbers containing '616' such as 430-59-0616 or 754-89-8616.

Type an Account Number to search for and press ENTER.

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Please enter a Name to search for. For example, type 'mar' to find all names starting with mar, such as Marah, Mark, or Martin.

Type '*mar' to find all names containing 'mar', such as Omar Sharif or Frank Delmar.

Type a Name to search for and press ENTER.

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Please enter a social number to search for.

For example type '777-88-9999' to find that social. This searches for an exact match.

Type '*9999' to find all socials ending in 9999. Wildcard searching only allows searching by the last 4 digits.

Type a Social Number to search for and press ENTER.

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Please enter a Phone Number to search for. For example, type '616' to find all phone numbers starting with 616.

Type '*616' to find all phone numbers containing '616', such as 403-459-0616 or 754-616-8675.

Type a Phone Number to search for and press ENTER.

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Please enter an Email Address to search for. For example, type 'support@' to find all emails starting with support@.

Type '*support' to find all numbers containing 'support', such as

Type an Email Address to search for and press ENTER.

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You Are Signed On AS Operator

You signed into Collect! using the ID shown here.

The ID you sign on with is important in determining what the system does for you. When you open your To Do list, you will see contacts assigned to the ID displayed in this field. When notes are entered for a debtor or contacts are created or completed, they are stamped with this ID.

Useful Note The Collect! Demo is set up to sign you in as ID OWN and Password own. You can put in any other ID and Password that is a valid Operator ID in your system.

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And Are Working With Database

This is the folder name of the database you have opened. Ordinarily, you would see MASTERDB displayed in this field when you are working in your Masterdb Database.

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To sign out off Collect! select this button or press Enter on your keyboard while the button is highlighted. This will exit you to the Welcome To Collect! screen.

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Select this button for help on the Main Menu screen and links to related topics.

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