Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Recurring Credit Card Payments

The Recurring Credit Card Payments window is where you schedule a post-dated credit card arrangement. To access the entry screen, click the Credit Card button in the lower right corner of the main Debtor screen and click Recurring Payments from the Credit Card Payment Tasks menu.

To view the details of an existing Recurring Credit Card arrangement, use your Internet browser and log into the Payment Provider Credit Card Gateway directly. Date and amount line items are not stored in Collect!'s Transaction Tab until the credit card payments have come due and been processed, then downloaded back to Collect! via Reconciliation. This is to maintain PCI Compliance.

When setting up a recurring credit card arrangement, you can update Debtor information, create a Cosigner as the alternate payer, enter the credit card details, the amount of the payments, along with the frequency schedule and the number of times you would like this recurring payment to be posted.

As soon as the Recurring Credit Card Payments window opens, the module queries the Payment Provider Gateway to see if there is already a recurring payment schedule set up for this account. If one exists, then the credit card, financial and scheduling details are filled in for you.

Recurring Credit Card Payments

Useful Note You can create a new payment schedule by deleting the existing one. You can have only one recurring payment schedule at any given time for each account.

Useful Note You will not see convenience fees charge on any but the first payment in a recurring arrangement as per credit card regulation compliance.

Card Holder

Enter the card holder's name if it is different from the name already auto-filled for you.

By default, this field is filled with the Name from the Debtor screen. You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this Name. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class. This will allow you to distinguish the difference between a responsible party and a potential unresponsible payer on the account.

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Enter the payer's First Name as it appears on the credit card that is being used for this payment.

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Enter the payer's Last Name as it appears on the credit card that is being used for this payment.

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Enter the payer's credit card Billing Street Address. By default, this field is filled from the Debtor account information.

You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this Address. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

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Enter the payer's credit card Billing address City. By default, this field is filled from the Debtor account information.

You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this City. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

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Enter the payer's two character credit card Billing address State code. By default, this field is filled from the Debtor account information. This is a required field and must be a valid 2-digit code.

You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this State. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

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Enter the payer's credit card Billing address ZIP code. By default, this field is filled from the Debtor account information. This is a required field and must be a valid zip.

You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this Zip. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

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Enter the payer's EMAIL address. By default, this field is filled with the Email address from the Debtor account information.

You can edit this as needed for the transaction. If you choose to save this information, the system will update the Debtor screen for you. If you are entering the info for a third party payer, the system will include this email. Choose "To Cosigner" and the system will save this information by creating a new Cosigner window with the Class of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

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Send Email Receipt

Switch this ON with a check mark to send an email receipt to the card holder when the credit card payment is processed.

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Card Type

Select the Card Type from the pick list attached to this field.

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Card Number

Enter the 16-digit Credit Card Number for the card that is being used for this payment.

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Enter the credit card Expiry Month and Year with no spaces, i.e. 1216 for December 2016.

There is no field for CVV number entry with recurring arrangements.

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Enter the 3 or 4-digit CVV number found on the back of the payer's credit card, beside their signature.

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AVS Street

The Address Verification Service Street is included so that the Payment Provider can verify that the street address of the payer matches the zip code of the payer.

Enter the correct street address for the payer if it isn't already pre-filled to match the Billing street address of the payer.

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The Address Verification Service Zip is included so that the Payment Provider can verify that the street address of the payer matches the zip code of the payer.

Enter the correct zip code of the payer if it isn't already pre-filled to match the Billing address zip code of the payer.

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Save Credit Card Info

Choose this option with a check mark if you want to update your records with the information you have filled in for this transaction. You can save the information to the Debtor or create a new Cosigner with the Class designation of "CC Payer". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class.

This switch is optional for Single Credit Card Transactions and is pre-filled checked for Recurring arrangements as the information must be sent and stored on the Payment Provider Gateway to allow future payments to process.

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To Debtor

Check this radio button to save the updated information from this transaction to the debtor. This radio button will auto-check itself if the debtor name is recognized as being in the Name field. Additional information will update from the transaction will also update to the Debtor Detail Tab if you choose to "Save credit card info."

Please be aware that this does overwrite any information that is currently stored in the Debtor Detail 2 and Debtor Detail 3 fields.

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To Cosigner

Choose this option by clicking the radio button to save the updated Payer information from this transaction to Cosigner. This option will create a new Cosigner with Class "CC Payer", if you choose to "Save credit card info". Older versions of Collect! use "Other" as the Class. Personal information and redacted card information will be stored in the Cosigner fields.

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Enter the Amount of the recurring credit card payments you are scheduling.

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Select the payment frequency from the pick list attached to this field.

If there is already a recurring payment schedule stored at the Payment Provider for this account, this field will be populated with the payment frequency when you open the Recurring Credit Card Payments window.

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Select the date for the first payment in your recurring schedule.

If there is already a recurring payment schedule stored at the Payment Provider for this account, this field will be populated with the date of the next scheduled payment when you open the Recurring Credit Card Payments window.

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Enter the number of recurring payments you wish to schedule.

If there is already a recurring payment schedule stored at the Payment Provider for this account, this field will be populated with the number of payments remaining when you open the Recurring Credit Card Payments window.

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Delete Recurring Schedule

Select this option to delete the existing recurring credit card payment schedule from Collect!. This will function to mark the Promise contact as "Stopped" but it will remain In Progress for your attention.

The Review Contact that was set to mark the end of the recurring schedule which was set up when you originally input the schedule will have its due date changed to be the same as the date you deleted the recurring schedule.

Any CC Notification letters scheduled will be deleted from your letter queue.

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Select the HELP button for Help on Recurring Credit Card Payments and related topics.

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Select the CANCEL button to close this window without submitting the payment to the Payment Provider.

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Select the SUBMIT button when you have completed entering the requisite fields.

If you have missed a mandatory field or entered invalid data (i.e. zip code), you will receive a popup advising of why the transaction(s) cannot be submitted. Simply follow the directions and resubmit.

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Promise Details

When you schedule recurring credit card payments, Collect! creates a Promise with the payment details so that you can still manage your accounts using all the built-in functionality for automatically managing promises.

If you delete a recurring schedule, the Promise contact will be marked as "Stopped" but it will remain In Progress for your attention.

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Review Details

When you schedule recurring credit card payments, the module creates a Review with a Due Date matching the last Payment Date in your payment schedule.

If you delete a recurring schedule, the Payment Processing Review marking the end of the payment schedule will have its Due Date changed to the Date you deleted the recurring schedule.

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Transaction Details

Whenever you run Reconcile Credit Card History, any recurring payments that have come due and have been processed will be downloaded and posted into Collect!. You will see evidence of this in the Transaction Tab.

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EFT Notices Details

If you set up and enabled CC authorization and notification letters in the EFT Notices Setup window, the module will create a letter schedule that matches the payment dates in your schedule. The system uses the " Days Prior" setting in the EFT Notices Setup to calculate the Due Date for each letter.

If you delete a recurring schedule, any remaining authorization and notification letters will be deleted from your letter queue.

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Declined Credit Card

If a credit card is reported as "Declined" when you reconcile credit card history, you will receive a reversal of the payment and convenience fee, if applicable.

If you switched ON "Declined recurring cancels plan" in the Credit Card Setup window, Collect! will mark your Promise as Stopped, change your Due Date in the Review Contact marking the end of the original terms to be the same as the delete date and also delete your remaining CC Notification letters scheduled.

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