Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Page Table of Contents Related 'How To' Tutorials

Debtor Detail

The Debtor Detail form shows additional information about each debtor. It stores settings for restricting access to the Debtor account when you are using Account Access Control. The Debtor Detail can store any information needed for reference purposes. If you plan to print debtor checks in Collect!,using Take Checks Over The Phone, then certain information must be entered as outlined below so that it can be printed on your checks.

Debtor Detail

You can access the Debtor Detail form by choosing the Detail tab on the Debtor form.

Acct Holder

This field displays the name of the bank account holder. By default, the Debtor's Contact name is entered here. You can modify this by switching ON "Don't use debtor contact name" if the bank account is held in a different name.

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Don't Use Debtor Contact Name

Switch this ON with a check mark to enable editing on the Acct Holder field. This lets you enter a different name of the bank account holder is not the Debtor.

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Enter the name of the debtor's bank. This is required if you are using Take Checks Over The Phone. The name should be the same as the name on the debtor's actual checks.

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Enter the Branch of the debtor's bank. This is optional. The information from this field can be pulled when printing checks taken over the phone for the debtor.

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Enter the debtor's Bank Account Number. This is required if you are using Take Checks Over The Phone.

This field must be either digits or a dash. [ - ] It must be no more than *** MAXIMUM 12 places *** including any dashes. This number must match the actual account number on the debtor's checks.

Useful Note If you require more than 12 places to enter the debtor's Bank Account Number, please phone Comtech for instructions to modify the report. Otherwise, if you print more than 12 places to the Account Number, it will overwrite some of the Transit Number.

Useful Note Please refer to the Help topic How to Take Checks Over The Phone for information on using the bank fields for checks.

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Transit Number

Enter the Transit or ABA Number of the debtor's bank. This is required if you are using Take Checks Over The Phone.

*** IMPORTANT *** This field MUST be 9 places ONLY. It is digits and can contain a dash [ - ] The TOTAL places MUST BE 9, including all digits and the dash.

This is also called the Routing Number. It must match the Transit Number on an actual check from the debtor's bank.

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This field is tied to Collect!'s account access security system. You can use it to restrict access to the account to an Operator or a Team.

From this field's pick list, choose the Operator or Team ID that you want to be able to access this account. When you restrict access to an account in this way, you must switch ON the security settings on the Operator form, as well. Please see How to Restrict Access to Accounts for more information to use this security feature.

Useful Note If you want to restrict access to several Operators, create a Sales Team containing the Operators' IDs. Then choose the Sales ID from the Access field's pick list.

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Use Cosigner For Recurring

This switch is used for the Payment Processing Module when you are using payer and billing information from a Cosigner. Collect! turns the switch ON for you, if required, when you are creating your recurring payment schedule. There is no need to set it manually yourself.

For ACH payments, please refer to Help topic, How to Take ACH Payments for details.

For credit card payments, please refer to Help topic, How to Take Credit Card Payments for details.

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This field is for an Operator ID or an Operator Team ID. The Clerk field is for your own use. It is also tied into the account access security system. So you could use it to grant access to this account to an Operator or a Team, similarly to the Access field. Please see How to Restrict Access to Accounts for more information.

If you are not using account access control, you can use the Clerk field to enter the ID of an operator who handles your banking transactions, for example.

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Detail 1

A field available for miscellaneous details. For check printing, this MUST be the debtor's bank address first line, i. e. Street address.

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Detail 2

A field available for miscellaneous details. For check printing, this MUST be the debtor's bank address second line, i. e. City, State Zip Code.

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Detail 3

A field available for miscellaneous details.

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Detail 4

A field available for miscellaneous details.

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Press this button for help on the Debtor Detail form and links to related topics.

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Selecting this button will ignore any changes that you may have made and return you to the previous form.

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Selecting this button will save any changes that you may have made and return you to the previous form.

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