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How To Restore Printer Control Codes To Stock Settings

To replace your printer control codes with the shipping default codes you must have the report named CustomWithControlCodes.rpt in your system. This report is shipped with Collect! and you can find it in the Collect\bin\styles folder. If you do not have it, you can download it here or request it from Collect! Technical Services and we will email it to you.

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The steps to update your printer control codes are:

  • Delete your Current Control Codes into your system
  • Import the ReportCodes report into your system
  • Select YES to update printer control codes
  • Rebuild your lists and test your reports

*** WARNING! Any manual modifications you have made to printer control codes will be erased. This does not mean any reports or letters you made, just the control codes. (Most people don't manually modify their control codes, so this may not apply to you.)

Useful Note It is possible to import a modified Report Codes report so that you only update a certain portion of your codes. This requires editing the Report Codes report prior to importing it. If you need to update only a portion of your codes, you may request a modified CustomWithControlCodes.rpt from Collect! Technical Services, and we will quote you for the customization.

  1. Navigate to Print\Settings\Printer Control Codes
  2. Use Ctrl + A to select all records. Click Delete and say yes to all records.
  3. Import the CustomWithControlCodes.rpt into your system. You will be prompted to import the codes.
  4. Useful Note If you are not familiar with the process of importing a report into your system, please refer to the help topic, How To Import Reports.

  5. When you are prompted to import the detected codes, select YES.

Warning Note WARNING: If you did not delete the Printer Control Codes first, then any codes in your system that match the codes in the CustomWithControlCodes.rpt will be updated with the new codes.

When you are notified that the report was imported successfully, you will know that your printer control codes are updated. You will also have a new report at the bottom of the list called ****CUSTOM. You can delete it.

Printer Types

Printer codes are updated for all the printer types supported by Collect!. In ReportCodes.rpt these are divided into different sections.

These are:

  1. Dot Matrix
  2. Laser (PCL5)
  3. Ink Jet (PCL3)
  4. HTML
  5. DC

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