Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Use The Workflow Report

The Workflow Report is a Collect! report containing comprehensive conditional logic to move accounts from desk-to-desk throughout a debt’s lifecycle within an agency with a view to optimizing recovery.

This is achieved by automatically invoking a next level of strategy within predefined time thresholds that move accounts on to different desks or processes if they are not meeting liquidation goals. The idea being to leave liquidating accounts on desks which are generating revenue, and move on accounts which are not liquidating. Different voices, different methods often can turn a non-revenue account into a revenue account.


This utility is part of the Inventory Management Scenario Package. You can obtain the Inventory Management packes by logging into the Member Center and downloading the Scenario Package from here.

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General Methodology Explained: New Business is allocated to 1st Tier collectors who are permitted to work the accounts for a predefined period of time. If they do not receive payment, a current/future-dated Promise or have a RPC (Right Party Contact) within defined timelines, the account moves to a 2nd Tier desk. The 2nd Tier is your SIF, downpayment desk level. If collector(s) do not succeed in obtaining payment, then after a predefined period of time, accounts move to a 3rd Tier desk. The 3rd Tier level is your Payment Arrangement, below parameter SIF (if applicable) and where accounts round out their lifecycle level. No further movement takes place once accounts move to 3rd Tier.

Objective: To improve liquidation, improve desk penetration and frequency of work by staff, more time for agents to be thorough/pay attention to detail, less desk bottlenecks/desk counts remain trim without the need of management intervention.

The Workflow Report has shipping defaults predefined and requires you to apply indicated edits to fine-tune your individual preferences from the Member Center report. Additionally, it operates through the Collect! Scheduler, relocating accounts on a nightly basis. In cases where the client does not have the Scheduler module, users can manually execute the report as needed, including daily. Collect! Cloud sites will need to contact to have the report added to your Scheduler AND advise of the frequency that you wish for it to run. Premise sites that have access to your Schedulers on your Server and may add/set as per your own preferences. However, if assistance to add the report to the Scheduler is needed, please submit request by email to

Useful Note This process does not do more than is documented. Custom requests for further individualization or projects for very complex workflows can be contracted. Contact and pricing can be provided. If applicable, please include a flowchart diagram with your request if complex logical conditions are being requested

The Workflow Report will manage accounts that have not received Payments, have no post-dated Payment or Promise, or recent RPC (Right Party Contact) by redirecting them to a specified desk.

By default, the report does not alter the system. To ensure all settings have been reviewed, users must refer to Step #3 to activate the update.

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Explanation Of Configurable Variables In The Report

Before running the report, it is crucial to configure the following variables to align with your company's workflow. To access the report after importing into your system, a user of suitable level (such as 10) needs to navigate to \Print\ Customize Printing\Edit Report Templates and select the report from the Print Menu.

Click into the whitespace of the report to enter edit-mode. These variables are divided into three sections:

  1. Variables for Preliminary Account Check
  2. Variables for Active Accounts
  3. Variables for Moving Accounts

Variables for Preliminary Account Check

These variables determine which accounts undergo a preliminary check. All conditions must be met for an account to be included in the preliminary check.

  • @tvarListedNumOfDaysFromToday# = 90

    Specifies the number of days an account has been in the system based on the Listed Date. For instance, 90 is the shipping default and indicates accounts listed for 90 days or more are included can be eligible to be moved to 2nd Tier. You may edit this value to your preference.
  • @tvarNoPaymentsSinceNumOfDays# = 60

    Indicates the number of days since the Last Payment. For example, 60 is the shipping default and includes accounts with no payments OR last payment dates equal to 60 days or over. You may increase or decrease this value according to your preference.
  • @tvarStatusesToExclude*        = ""

    Excludes specified statuses from the report. Enter statuses between double quotations. To exclude multiple statuses, separate them by commas without spaces. Examples:

    To exclude a single PIF status use @tvarStatusesToExclude* = "PIF"

    To exclude multiple PIF,SIF,DIS,BAN statuses use @tvarStatusesToExclude* = "PIF,SIF,DIS,BAN"
  • @tvarOperatorsToExclude*       = ""

    Excludes certain operators from the report. Enter operators between double quotations. To exclude multiple operators, separate them by commas without spaces. You may likely wish to exclude IDs pertaining to desks containing nothing but old closed accounts, are manager/supervisor, pool desks, HSE, salesman, data entry agents, etc.

    To exclude a single HSE operator use @tvarStatusesToExclude* = "HSE"

    To exclude multiple HSE,MGR,CLO operators use @tvarStatusesToExclude* = "HSE,MGR,CLO"
  • Useful Note This is an important identification to the process because otherwise, this workflow will source every desk in your system. This process chooses EXCLUDE desks rather than INCLUDE specific target desks because if your database is large, inputting all desks to be sourced would be extensive. It is anticipated that you would have fewer desks to exclude than include at any given time.

  • @tvarMoveAcctAfterNumDaysFromDateUpField# = 90

    If you do wish to utilize this feature, first, choose an unused User Defined Date Field on your main Debtor Screen OR in the Misc tab (only) to be designated as a storage site for accounts to be checked. Eligible field names are de_date1or de_date2 (main Debtor), OR de_date_1 or de_date_2 (Misc tab). The purpose of this field is to hold a date which the process will use to decide if the account is eligible to be moved yet based on exclusion criteria being met.

    We recommend giving this field a meaningful Alias Name and adjusting the Access Rights to make it Read Only so that users cannot modify it. Leaving this field editable by Levels who should not be able to increase (or reduce) the amount of time an account is on their desk will allow your operators to defeat the automation by creating end-user conditions that are outside the report criteria on a per account basis. Support would not be able to explain unexpected results if this field is left editable by collection floor level users.

    If you do not wish to utilize this feature, leave the @tvarDateUpdateField field blank as shown and the second variable below it will likewise be ignored.

    Once accounts have moved to a 3rd Tier desk, meaning more than the defined number of days from Listed Date, then the accounts no longer move.
  • Useful Note Both @tvarDateUpdateField and @tvarMoveAcctAfterNumDaysFromDateUpField are optional settings if you have a single desk only for your 2nd tier desk. That means it is a mandatory setting if you already know that you will be redistributing 2nd Tier accounts to multiple desks from the temporary landing desk. This is because the process checks the desk ID against the criteria contained in this report and if you have further distributed the accounts to multiple collectors (using the Account Toss with Custom Distribution or any reallocation of accounts); accounts will be eligible to be moved again to the next 3rd tier based on report parameters if there is no defined date to hold them on the 2nd Tier desk that is other than the landing desk defined in this report. When the account is moved from your 1st Tier desk(s) to the 2nd Tier, the identified date field will be updated according to the number of days in the second variable. You may update how long you want accounts to remain on your 2nd Tier Desks by editing the shipping default 90 days to your individual site's preference. Accounts with no date populated in the indicated Date Update Field name are also eligible to be moved based on report criteria.

    Useful Note If you do not have main Debtor or Misc tab date fields available for this purpose because you've already utilized them for other content, you will require further customization before embarking on this process. Please ensure you do not invoke this report to run/leave it in the dormant 0 condition and please submit email request to for pricing to use something else (such as a customized Attachment).

Variables for Active Accounts

These variables determine which accounts are excluded from the preliminary list. At least one condition must be true for an account to be excluded.

  • Check for Future Payments: Looks for transactions type payment with empty posted dates and payment dates set for today or the future.
  • Check for In-Progress Promises: Searches for in-progress promise contacts that are current or overdue based on a grace period. The grace period, set by:

    @tvarPromiseGracePeriod# = 15

    By default, this is set to 15 days. If you wish to allow collector more (or less) time to resolve a broken promise before an account is eligible for transfer, then adjust the number where indicated. A value of 0 is valid but does not allow the collector any time at all to contact a debtor upon a Promise being broken before an account is eligible for transfer on the basis of Promise Due Date.
  • Check for Right Party Contact (RPC): Identifies completed phone contacts within a specified number of days (
    ) and specific call results (

    @tvarRPCInTheLastNumOfDays# = 30     

    This variable represents the duration, measured in days, during which a phone call must have been completed in the past for the account to maintain its active status and avoid redistribution.

    @tvarRpcCallResults*        = "4,101"

    This variable designates the specific call results from the Contact Call Result pick list values that should be considered when determining whether a phone call qualifies as a Right Party Contact (RPC). This determination ensures the account remains active and prevents it from being redistributed. Further, it relies on your site using Call Resultswhen collectors speak to debtors. Without RPC being designated in Completed Contacts, Collect! has no other way of knowing this has occurred.

Variables for Moving Accounts

These variables determine which desk the account should move to and whether to update the Collector field on In Progress Review, Phone, Promise or Other contact Types. If a past-due Promise exists based on above criteria, it could be transferred to the next tier ID.

Useful Note At the present time, this process is capable of sourcing accounts from multiple desks but placing them ONLY on a single desk. If you have multiple collector IDs working your 2nd Tier and 3rd Tier accounts, it will be necessary to create temporary Distribution desks to hold accounts until you submit those accounts to the Account Toss with Custom Distribution, using a template that defines how you want the accounts to be allocated that has been copied into your DistributionRules.csv for this purpose. See the Help Document How to Use Account Toss with Custom Distribution for specifics on this process.

  • @tvarNewOpCaseTwo*               = "3rdTier"

    Identifies the Operator ID that accounts should move to after being listed for 180 days or more. This may be your backline/ppa collectors OR a dialer pool desk OR a letter desk, etc. 180 days is the shipping default. You may edit this value in the below setting according to individual site preference.

    @tvarListedNumOfDaysForLastDesk# = 180      

    Sets the number of days after which an account moves to the operator specified by @tvarNewOpCaseTwo*. This is your 3rd Tier landing desk. Consider it a temporary repository if you are further distributing accounts to multiple desks OR update the desk name to be the static desk if you only have one 3rd Tier desk.
  • @tvarNewOpCaseOne*               = "2ndTier"

    Specifies the operator for accounts not moved to @tvarNewOpCaseOne*. This is your 2nd Tier landing desk. Consider it a temporary repository if you are further distributing accounts to multiple desks OR update the desk name to be the static desk if you only have one 2nd Tier desk.
  • @tvarCoTypes*                    = "1,3,5,6"

    Specifies which in-progress contacts should be moved to the new desk. In this context, 1, 3, 5, and 6 correspond to Phone, Promise, Review, and Others, respectively.
  • @tvarDoUpdate#                   = 0        

    When set to 1, instructs the report to move accounts upon execution.

Useful Note This needs to be essentially turned on to function before a site wishes to use the report and after all the report configuration settings as discussed above have been determined/set. Please do not invoke this process by updating the value to 1 unless you have redesigned your internal processes/prepared your collection staff of the pending changes and created the desk infrastructure to work with the process parameters FIRST.

By following these configurations, the report efficiently manages accounts based on your company's requirements.

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