Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Use The Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler allows you to automate a variety of routine tasks and larger processes. Depending on your backup schedule, you can set tasks, particularly larger ones, to run overnight.

Collect! Task Scheduler

To Access the Scheduler, go to the Main Menu, click Tools, then Scheduler.

Scheduler Setup

If you have not already setup the Scheduler, click Settings.

Click Here to View this Form.

If you plan to use a single Scheduler configuration file, you can fill in the path and file name to the file. This is optional and will be discussed further later.

Checking the Load Default File at Startup will automatically load the Default Scheduler Tasks File. This is optional and will be discussed later.

Start Scheduler Automatically will start the Scheduler when a Scheduler Operator signs in. Check this box.

Do not Autosave File will not save the file; therefore, it will not save the next task date and time. Typically, it should be left unchecked.

Click OK.

Scheduler Settings

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Task List

Click in to the Scheduler Tasks list.

You can create new Tasks, editing existing ones, and load or save the file.

If you have an existing file to load, it must match the type of Collect! that was used to save it. For example, SCH files saved by a 32 bit version of Collect! can only be opened by a 32 bit version of Collect!. The same applies to 64 bit versions of SCH files.

Click New to create a task.

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Task Fields

Click Here to View this Form.

Select a Task type from the list.

ID is a user-defined field.

Priority only applies if 2 tasks are scheduled at the same time.

Set an Interval. Tasks can be One Time, Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, or Minutes. See the Configure Task section below for information specific to each Task type.

Useful Note Minutes will start running as soon as the Scheduler starts and proceed every specified minutes until the Scheduler is shut down.

ONE TIME ONLY: Enter a Date and Time to run.

DAILY: Enter a Time of the day to run.

WEEKLY and BIWEEKLY: Select the Day of the Week and enter a Time to run.

MONTHLY: Select the Day of the Month and enter a Time to run.

MINUTES: Enter the number of Minutes to repeatedly run.

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Configure Task

If applicable to the selected Task type, click the Configure Button to configure the task.

Please refer to the Help document How To Configure Scheduler Tasks for detailed steps on configuring tasks, including intervals.

Useful Note It is assumed that you are familiar with running the tasks manually. If you are not familiar with the manual tasks, please refer to the applicable videos or Help documentation for each Task.

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Save Your Tasks

If you are running repeating tasks, you will want to save the file to be reloaded the next day.

  1. Click the Save button.
  2. Navigate to a location. Collect! defaults to the active BIN folder.
  3. Type in a filename.
  4. Click save.

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Start The Scheduler Manually

Once you have completed your setup, you will see your tasks in the Scheduler Task list.

TCN Scheduler Tasks

This step is critical. If you do not click the Start Scheduler button to start the Scheduler, none of the tasks will process.

At the appointed times, your tasks will run. You can review the results just as you would if you had run the tasks through the batch processing function.

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Start The Scheduler Automatically

To further automate the Scheduler process, you can use Window Scheduler to launch the Collect! Scheduler.

First, you will need to create an Operator dedicated to the Scheduler.

  1. Navigate to System, then Rights, then Operators.
  2. Click NEW to create a New Operator.
  3. Fill in the ID and Name, then Select Scheduler from the Operator Type list.
  4. On the Security tab, check Password never expires, fill in a User Level with high rights like 1 or 10, fill the Auth field with =IDPASS, then click the Change Password button and set a secure password.
  5. On the Detail tab, check Automatic Recalc and Disable Popup Help.
  6. If you are using the scheduler to Send Batch Emails, on the Email tab, configure the Email settings based on your company setup.
  7. Click OK to save.

Sample Collect! Scheduler Operator

Next, open the Windows' Task Scheduler via Windows Administrative Tools.

  1. Click "Create Task" on the right-side pane or under the Actions menu.

  2. Windows Scheduler - New Task

  3. On the General tab, Give the Task a Name.
  4. Useful Note Windows' tasks are alphabetical, so we recommend using numbers or starting with the word "Collect!" in order to group your Collect! tasks together. Alternatively, you can use the Folders under Task Scheduler Library to create a Collect! Folder.

  5. Leave the radio button for "Run only when user is logged on."
  6. Warning Note WARNING: "Run whether user os logged on or not" is untested and we do not guarantee behavior.

    Windows Scheduler - General

  7. On the Triggers tab, click New to create a new Trigger.
  8. Depending on your configuration and backup schedule, you will want to select daily and set a time where Collect! is available to run.
  9. Useful Note You can create multiple triggers. As such, you can create a trigger to start when a user logs in. This is useful to restart the process if Windows reboots.

    Useful Note If you want the task to only run on weekdays, select Weekly, then select the days of the week to run.

  10. Click OK to save the Trigger.

  11. Windows Scheduler - Trigger

  12. On the Actions tab, click New to create an Action.
  13. Action is Start a Program.
  14. Program/Script is the Collect! application. (EX: C:\Collect\bin\cv13.exe)
  15. Add arguments. Below are some common arguments. (EX: /s /m /dbmasterdb /isch /psch /sch:tasks.sch)
    • /s - skips the splash screen
    • /m - allows Collect! to open if another Collect! window is already open
    • /min - start Collect! minimized
    • /db - specify the database to sign in to
    • /i - specify an ID to sign in with
    • /p - specify the password for the ID
    • /sch: - specify the filename of the task file (must be in the bin folder)
    • /T
  16. Useful Note If you have several processes, you can break them out in to separate SCH file like Imports, Reports, and Other. You can then create multiple Windows Tasks for each SCH file. Remember, Order of Operations is important, so if you do break the tasks out in to separate files, remember to schedule them in such a way that tasks with dependencies don't start too early.

  17. Click OK to save the Action, then click OK to save the Task.

  18. Windows Scheduler - Action

  19. Right-click the Task and select Run to test it. If you forgot to put =IDPASS in the Auth field, you will be asked to sign in with Windows Authentication, select No.
  20. On the Scheduler Settings screen, check the Start Scheduler Automatically box, if not already done.

Useful Note The /SCH argument is not needed if you have specified the filename in the Scheduler Settings. If you don't use the SCH argument, remember to check the Load Default File at Startup box on the Scheduler Settings.

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