Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Schedule Contact Events

These topics deal with the basic types of contacts that you can schedule in Collect!

Accessing The Contact Form

  1. Select the Browse menu and then select All Debtors from the drop-down choices. This will display the list of all debtors in your system.
  2. Select a Debtor from the list.
  3. Click the Contacts tab to open the list of contacts made for this account.
  4. Click the NEW button to open a new Contact form.

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Contact Form

Click Here to View this Form.

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Schedule A Letter Contact

Perhaps you want to send a letter to a Debtor. Rather than printing it at once, you may want to put it in your print queue. We use the Contact form to select a letter and schedule it to be printed in the daily letter batch. This process requires some familiarity with the Debtor form - to access the Contact form, and with reports and letters - knowing which letter to schedule.

There are many different kinds of Contacts that may be scheduled to create an event on an account. They deal with all the types of interactions you may have with a debtor. Some very common examples are a Letter, a Review, a Promise to pay, and a Phone call.

Useful Note From the Contact form, press F1 to see a complete description of each of the types of contacts you can schedule. The Contact form is very flexible and displays different information depending on the type of Contact you schedule. We will not go into details that are contained in the F1 help available from the Contact form.

Creating the Letter Contact

Several fields on the Contact form fill automatically with information from the Debtor account you are on. We will accept these defaults but you may change the settings, if needed, when you create your contacts.

  1. Click in the field labeled Type to view the list of Contact types. Select 'Letter' from the list.
  2. Select the down arrow at the right end of the field labeled Description to view the list of all reports and letters in Collect!.
  3. Select the letter you want to send and its description will display in the Description field. This description is used by the system to determine which letter to print.
  4. Fill out other fields as needed.
  5. Click OK.

Useful Note The Contact's Due Date determines when the letter will be printed. The default is today and the letter will be printed in today's Scheduled Batch Letters.

Useful Note If you want to assign this letter to another Operator's WIP List, select the down arrow next to the field labeled Collector to view the list of operators and make your selection.

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Schedule A Review Contact

You may want to schedule a review of an account. Reviews have to background functionality. They simply appear in the WIP List and allow you to open the Debtor.

Creating the Review Contact

  1. Click in the Type field to view the list of Contact types. Choose 'Review' from the list.
  2. You may enter a description in the Description field or a short note.
  3. If you have more information about this account, you can add more text to the Contact in a text area. See Tip below.
  4. Fill out other fields as needed. If you want to assign this review to another Operator's WIP List, click in the Collector field to see the list of operators you can choose from.
  5. Click OK.

Useful Note To add more information to a Contact, click the Open icon to the right of the Data field. This will open a text editor that allows for paragraphs of text. When a Contact is opened from the WIP list, and has data in this area, the text editor will open up to display it to the collector.

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Schedule A Phone Contact

You may want to schedule a call on an account. Phone contacts can be used to automatically dial phone numbers when opened from the WIP list. Phone contacts are also used to track call history. These work with Contact Controls to prevent over-contacting accounts.

Creating the Phone Contact

  1. Click in the Type field to view the list of Contact types. Choose 'Phone' from the list.
  2. Useful Note Use the PageUp or PageDown key to view the whole list.

  3. Click the Description field to view a list of available phone locations for this account. This list is made up of phone numbers entered in the Phone tab.
  4. Select the phone location you want to use. This description is used by the system to determine the phone number to use for auto dialer procedures.
  5. Fill out other fields as needed. If you want to assign this phone call to another Operator's WIP List, click in the Collector field to see the list of operators you can choose from.
  6. Click OK.

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