Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Use Contact Controls

Contact Controls allow you to implement rules to prevent over-contacting an account. You can create controls for Calling, Texting, Emailing, and Lettering. You can set generic controls for all regions, and then you can, optionally, set controls based on the State or Country fields.

Contact Controls apply to Debtors and Debtor Cosigners.

Contact Control Form

Click Here to View this Form.

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Create A Contact Control

Contact Control - Phone

  1. Navigate to System -> Contact Management Settings -> Contact Controls.
  2. Click NEW.
  3. Select the Contact Type that the control will apply to.
  4. Optional: fill in a Description. This is useful if you have multiple rules for the same type.
  5. Optional: fill in the State. A Blank state will assume the rule applies to all states.
  6. Optional: fill in the Country. A Blank country will assume the rule applies to all countries.
  7. Fill in the Maximum Number of Times an account can be contacted by this type.
  8. Select the Period that the maximum applies to.
  9. Check the Apply to Group box, if this control should factor in all group members.

Useful Note For Cosigners, Collect! will check for Cosigners within the Debtor Group that either match on SSN or match on Phone or Email.

Phone Type

  1. Fill in the Legal Calling Times, if applicable.
  2. Fill in the Hold for, if applicable.
  3. Useful Note For calling, this refers to Right Party Contact. If you make contact with the Debtor or Cosigner, and this field is populated, then the control will warn you if you try to make another call with the number of days specified. For example, if you enter 7, then when you make an RPC, then you will warnings until after 7 days have passed to prevent calling too early.

  4. Fill in the Call Attempt Types and the Call RPC Types.

Useful Note These are a comma-separated list of the numeric pick list values on the Call Result field.

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Default Call Results On Contact Form

0 : None specified 1 : Left Message on Machine 2 : Left message with person 3 : Debtor not in - call back. No message. 4 : Spoke to debtor. Verified right party. 5 : Wrong number / debtor unknown. 6 : NIS 101: Manual dial: right party contact 102: Manual dial: pick up, hung up 103: Manual dial: debtor in, unavailable 104: Manual dial: debtor not in, call back 105: Manual dial: machine answer, left msg 106: Manual dial: machine answer, no message 107: Manual dial: left message with person 108: Manual dial: no answer 109: Manual dial: busy 110: Manual dial: call did not go through 111: Manual dial: wrong number/debtor unknown 112: Manual dial: not in service 113: Dialer: transfer to operator 114: Dialer: unknown call result 115: Dialer: transfer-operator, wrong number 116: Dialer: answered, hung up 117: Dialer: answered, system terminated 118: Dialer: answered, voice mail 119: Dialer: no answer 120: Dialer: busy, no machine 121: Dialer: machine, delivered 122: Dialer: machine, not delivered 123: Dialer: fax machine detected 124: Dialer: cancelled, incomplete number 125: Dialer: cancelled, compliance reasons 126: Dialer: cancelled, do not call 127: Dialer: call failed, technical reasons 128: Dialer: cancelled broadcast or blank num

All Other Contact Types Types

If applicable, fill in the Model Validation fields.

Warning Note WARNING: These are an override of the Company Detail form. You would only fill in here if you have different requirements on a state by-state-basis.

For texting, if applicable, fill in the SMS Reauth field. This links to a report writer command that you can put in a report to tell you when Texting numbers are coming due for renewal. This is useful if your region requires you to check that SMS numbers are still valid and not reassigned.

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Using Contact Controls

After controls are created, Collect! will have some functionality based on the control's contact type.


When you open a Debtor or Cosigner:

  1. If the account is not in violation of a control, then the number of attempts and number of RPCs will populate with the applicable counts, based on the Call Result types specified above.
  2. If the account is about to be in violation, the number of attempts and number of RPC fields will change to the warning color.
  3. If the account is in violation of a control, then the operator will receive a popup warning to let them know that the account is out of compliance. A note line is also written to the account stating that the operator was notified. This is for auditing purposes.
  4. Useful Note If you have Operators who should not receive the compliance warnings, then you can go to their operator profile and on the Operator Detail tab, select the applicable Exclude Contact Control boxes.

  5. If the account is in violation of a control, and you try to use the Autodialer module to do a Click to Dial, then you will receive a Yes/No prompt asking if you want to proceed with the call.
  6. If the account has explicitly requested a call back, then you can open the applicable phone record and Click the RPC Override button. This will prompt you for the call back date. Once done, Collect! will create a Phone contact on the account with a flag that will disable the contact controls until the call is made.

Lettering And Emailing

When batch letters are being printed or emailed, any accounts that are out of compliance will automatically be skipped.

Manually printed/emailed letters will give the user a popup message indicating that the letter is being skipped due to compliance.


At present, all texting from Collect! is done via 3rd Party tools and Collect! reports. To enable contact control checking for SMS, we recommend adding @CCTEXTOK to your reports. See below for more information.

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Contact Controls In The Report Writer

Several Report Writer commands exist for compliance checking that needs to be done in processes that are outside the Collect! programming. For example: texting, dialer lists to external dialers, custom letter service exports.

Below is a list of the commands and a description for each of them. For syntax and implementation, please refer to the Help topic How To Use The Report Writer Commands for more Information.

@CCCALLOK enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record passed in can be called.

@CCTEXTOK enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record passed in can be texted.

@CCLETTEROK enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record passed in can be lettered.

@CCEMAILOK enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record passed in can be emailed.

@CCSMS enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record passed in is compliant with the SMS Reauth value on the Contact Control record as of the Date that was passed in. This function is not to determine if an account can be Texted, rather it is to determine if the phone number was Authorized for texting at that point.

@CCTZCALL enables you to populate a variable with either a 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE) on whether or not the record that is active is within the Legal Calling Times.

Useful Note This command is requires the Debtor or Cosigner to be Active, so it cannot be used with SQL unless the result loop as a @de or @dc loop embedded in it. This command is useful for Control Files where you want to add extra proceses than the prompt and note line that is built-in to Collect!.

@CCVALDATE enables you to populate a variable with the date of the end of the Validation Period. This command is used in the stock Model Validation notice.

@CCATTEMPTS enables you to populate a variable with the number of attempts if the as of the date that is passed in.

@CCRPCS enables you to populate a variable with the number of RPCs if the as of the date that is passed in.

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