Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Contact Control

The Contact Control window is used to setup rules for contact management. You can specify calling, texting, printing, and emailing rules to control how often those contact types can occur.

Contact Control - Phone


The type of Contact that this control applies to. The options are Letter, Phone, Email, and Text.

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This is a user-defined field for giving the control a description.

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The State that the control applies to. You must use the same values that you put into the Debtor or Cosigner state.

Leave this field blank if you want this control to apply to all States.

Useful Note If you use a picklist, you can put the same picklist on this field.

Useful Note If you have controls that are national and some parts that are State specific, you can create a control for each State with only the information that applies to that state, with the exception of MAX TOTAL CONTACTS as that is a required field and must be filled in on all Contact Controls.

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The Country that the control applies to. You must use the same values that you put into the Debtor or Cosigner country.

Leave this field blank if you want this control to apply to all Countries.

Useful Note If you use a picklist, you can put the same picklist on this field.

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Max Total Contacts

This is the maximum number of contacts that can appear in the period before the User receives notifications about too many Contacts.

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The period that this control applies to. The options are Week or Month.

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Apply To Group

When checked, this control will factor in all Contacts on the Debtor's group when calculating the total Contacts; otherwise, only the current record is considered.

Useful Note With Cosigners, this option will try to match Cosigners on other group members by SSN, Phones, or Emails.

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Fields Only Visible With Type Phone

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Hold For

If you have calling restrictions that require you to hold off calling a Debtor or Cosigner after you have made a Right Party Contact, then enter here the number of days that you must wait before you can call them again.

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Call Attempt

This is a comma separate list of Call Results that you consider to be Attempts.

Useful Note The default list is below for the Call Result field on the Contact record. If you have a custom picklist on the Call Result field, you will need to refer to your picklist for the values to enter in this field. The values you are looking for are stored in the Key field of the Pick List Entries. Please refer to the Help document How To Use Pick Lists for more information.

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Call RPC

This is a comma separate list of Call Results that you consider to be Right Party Contacts.

Useful Note The default list is below for the Call Result field on the Contact record. If you have a custom picklist on the Call Result field, you will need to refer to your picklist for the values to enter in this field. The values you are looking for are stored in the Key field of the Pick List Entries. Please refer to the Help document How To Use Pick Lists for more information.

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Default Call Results On Contact Form

0 : None specified
1 : Left Message on Machine
2 : Left message with person
3 : Debtor not in - call back. No message.
4 : Spoke to debtor. Verified right party.
5 : Wrong number / debtor unknown.
6 : NIS
101: Manual dial: right party contact
102: Manual dial: pick up, hung up
103: Manual dial: debtor in, unavailable
104: Manual dial: debtor not in, call back
105: Manual dial: machine answer, left msg
106: Manual dial: machine answer, no message
107: Manual dial: left message with person
108: Manual dial: no answer
109: Manual dial: busy
110: Manual dial: call did not go through
111: Manual dial: wrong number/debtor unknown
112: Manual dial: not in service
113: Dialer: transfer to operator
114: Dialer: unknown call result
115: Dialer: transfer-operator, wrong number
116: Dialer: answered, hung up
117: Dialer: answered, system terminated
118: Dialer: answered, voice mail
119: Dialer: no answer
120: Dialer: busy, no machine
121: Dialer: machine, delivered
122: Dialer: machine, not delivered
123: Dialer: fax machine detected
124: Dialer: cancelled, incomplete number
125: Dialer: cancelled, compliance reasons
126: Dialer: cancelled, do not call
127: Dialer: call failed, technical reasons
128: Dialer: cancelled broadcast or blank num

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Call From

The earliest time you can make a call, based on the Debtor's or Cosigner's time zone.

Useful Note For roaming phone numbers, Collect! will use the Time Zone of the consumer record that was opened or initiated the call (Debtor, Cosigner, or Phone), then check against the time zone on the Address record that matches the active address and determine the highest and lowest possible time for the consumer.

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Call To

The latest time you can make a call, based on the Debtor's or Cosigner's time zone.

Useful Note For roaming phone numbers, Collect! will use the Time Zone of the consumer record that was opened or initiated the call (Debtor, Cosigner, or Phone), then check against the time zone on the Address record that matches the active address and determine the highest and lowest possible time for the consumer.

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Fields Only Visible With Type Letter, Text, Or Email

Contact Control - Letter, Text, and Email

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Validation Report

If you have specified a Validation Report here or in a Company Details record, then when a letter is sent to a Debtor (Contact marked done via print, email, or text), Collect! will update the Validation Date on the Debtor form with the send date plus the number of business and calendar days specified below or the Contact Control record.

Useful Note Example, if you specify Letter 1 for the Validation Report, 5 business days, and 30 calendar days, then when Letter 1 is printed, Collect! will take the current date, add 5 days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and holidays), then add 30 days (including weekends and holidays).

Useful Note Collect! will use a near match on the name in order to accommodate cosigner and language variants of the notice. Please refer to the Help topic How To Send The Validation Notice for more information.

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Validation Business Days

The number of business days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and holidays) to use when calculating the Validation End date.

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Validation Calendar Days

The number of calendar days (including weekends and holidays) to use when calculating the Validation End date.

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Fields Only Visible With Type Text

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SMS Reauth

The number of days where a texting number will expire. The last re-authorization date for texting numbers is stored on the phone record. When that date goes beyond the number of days in this field, users will be notified that the the number needs to be re-authorized.

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