Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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To Do List

The To Do list shows in progress contacts scheduled for the operator you are signed in as. The list displays all contact types and priorities, or a filtered list based on selection criteria you set in the Work In Progress form. The list shows today's contacts first then all others, oldest first. The sort order for contacts with identical dates is Priority level, then contact Type, and finally the Debtor's Name.

Work In Progress To Do List

Choosing A Contact In The List

To select a contact use the Arrow keys to highlight a contact and press Enter or select the item line in the To Do List.

When you pick an item from the To Do List, different things happen depending on the type of contact you are working.

If it is a Phone contact, the Dialer dialog box might be displayed to give you a chance to dial the number. Or, the number might dial automatically, if you have Auto Dialer and it is set to dial without prompting.

If it is an Email contact saved as a draft, the Send Mail form will display when you pick this item from the list.

Other contact types simply display the Debtor form.

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Locked Records

If the record you are attempting to display is currently locked, Collect! will automatically move to the next item in the list.

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Viewing A Sub WIP List

To filter the WIP List to only show contacts of a certain kind, return to the top half of the Work In Progress from and choose your criteria.

Useful Note You can press Esc to move from the To Do List to the Work In Progress form. Press F1 in the Work In Progress form for explanations of criteria choices.

For example, to review all accounts with Phone calls scheduled, press Esc, then click Type in the WIP form and choose Phone for contact Type. The To Do List changes to display only Phone contacts.

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Selecting A Contact From The To Do List

Each line item in the To Do List represents and displays an individual contact. When you select the contact the Debtor form will open for the Debtor who is the subject of the contact.

Useful Note If you are setup for automatic dialing and the contact is a Phone Type, you may see a Dial Phone dialog instead or Collect! may actually alert your Auto Dialer to begin dialing the number remarked in the contact.

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Viewing The Contact Details

When the Debtor form is displayed, you will notice an extra line below the Summary field.

To Do Contact displayed in Summary

The cursor arrow is pointing to this line in the image above.

This is information about the contact you are working. Click on this line to open the Contact form.

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Words Of Caution

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When you are done with the contact, you should mark it 'Done.' If further work is required, schedule a new contact. Do not simply make changes to the contact that you have opened, assuming that this suffices as a new contact! There is an order of events that Collect! follows regarding contacts that you work. If contacts are setup to be marked 'Done' whenever they are worked, this contact will be marked 'Done' regardless of your changes. With no pending contact, the Debtor will slip from sight. (Maybe happily for him, but not for you or your Client!)

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Sorting The To Do List

Click any column heading, listed below, to sort the contacts in the To Do List by the chosen column. One click sorts the contacts in Ascending order and another click sorts them in Descending order. Click a different column and that becomes the sort criterion.

List Headings are as follows:

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The type of contact such as Letter or Phone call. This field shows at a glance, what type of action is required for this contact. For example, if it is a Phone contact, you will make a call. If it is a Review, you will review the file.

Please refer to Help topic Contact for a complete list of contact types.

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Priority is automatically set by Collect! based on the Priority levels you set up in your contact Plans. They can also be modified individually when you edit a Debtor's contacts. Click on the heading of the Priority column to sort in order of Priority Level.

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This is the Name of the Debtor you will be contacting when you work this contact. When you select the name, it will bring up the Debtor form for this Debtor.

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The current status of the Debtor. This field is updated automatically if there is a change to the Debtor's status. Collect! reads the value from the Debtor form as it loads the contacts.

If you choose to build a sub WIP based on Debtor Status Code, this field will display the same Status for each of the contacts shown in the resulting To Do List and a yellow 'S' will display in the Status Bar at the bottom of Collect!'s screen, indicating that you are viewing a sub WIP and not the entire To Do List of contacts.

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This is a description of the contact taken from the Description field of the Contact form. The information in this field depends on the Type of Contact you are working.

Letter Type displays the name of the letter that will be printed for this Debtor.

Phone Type displays the phone number, i.e. WORK or HOME etc.

Review Type displays notes entered in the field by the operator.

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This column displays the DUE DATE of the contact. This is the date that the contact was scheduled to be dealt with. It is useful for alerting you to older contacts.

The default format is MM/DD/YY but your setup of Collect! may display dates in a different format.

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This column displays the TIME assigned to the contact. Only contacts that have a time requirement will have an entry in this field. At the time in the field, a prompt will pop up on your screen to go to the contact. This only works when you are working accounts from your WIP List.

Useful Note If you do not need a time prompt for an account, it is recommended that you leave this field blank when scheduling contacts.

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The ID number of the Client whose Debtor is the subject of the contact.

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The total amount still owed by the Debtor. This field is filled from the Debtor form. Collect! automatically updates the information so that it is current when the WIP List is loaded.

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Time Zone

This field holds a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE integer indicating the Timezone of the account to which this contact is attached. Timezones are standard integer values calculated from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). You can set a Range of times to display by selecting the RELOAD button to open the Reload Work In Progress List.

The control file that manages Debtor timezones is called setzone.ctf and is stored in your "\Collect\masterdb\control" folder.

If you have created a custom pick list for the Client or Debtor Timezone, then the Timezone column in the To Do List will display whatever is displayed on the Client or the Debtor.

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This field displays the value in the Debtor's Score field. This is a sortable field. It is also able to be displayed in the Work In Progress List.

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Days Since Last Payment

This field displays the number of days since the debtor's last payment.

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Contact Operator

This is meant to be used in conjunction with the Load Contacts for Group option on the WIP Options form and/or the Load contacts for operator selector on the Reload Work in Progress List form. When a team leader or manager is navigating contacts for another operator, this columns will identify the operator that the contact in the list belongs to.

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Other Fields

The To Do list also displays a variety of other debtors fields like the phone numbers and extension fields. Right- click the To Do list header bar and select Insert Field for more information.

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