Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Turn Off Credit Bureau Reporting

Occasionally, you may want to switch off Credit Bureau Reporting for one of your clients. The client's accounts may or may not have been reported already. If they have been reported, you must inform the credit bureau if you want to stop reporting them.

Useful Note Please ensure that you have a recent backup of your data before proceeding.

Warning Note WARNING: Reporting credit is a legal matter. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you are sending is accurate and complete. Do not report credit without being ABSOLUTELY SURE about your legal rights and the legal rights of the person or entity you are reporting.

Accounts Previously Reported For A Client

Accounts which have been reported must be deleted from the Credit Bureau records as well as your own. This procedure will switch OFF Credit Bureau reporting on these accounts and prepare them to be reported as deletions the next time you run your credit bureau report.

Useful Note Please make sure that you understand the conditions for removing accounts from the bureau. Ask your CBR representative for details, if you are unsure.

The procedure for switching OFF reporting is straightforward. We will perform a batch process to set the accounts for deletion. This means "DA" in credit reporting terms. When we are finished, all accounts that were previously reported will be reported one more time, as a "DA." All accounts that were never reported will simply have the CBR switched OFF.

  1. You need to identify the accounts that you want to turn off. If this is a particular Client, you can open the Client and select all the Debtors. Otherwise, you can use the Edit Search Criteria to filter the accounts according to your requirements. Once you have the accounts that you need to switch OFF tagged, you can proceed.
  2. Now that they are tagged (all highlighted in blue), select Tools from the top menu bar and select Batch Process from the drop-down choices. Select Prepare Accounts for Reporting to Credit Bureau in the Batch Processing form. Then select NEXT.
  3. Select Tag Individual Records and select Next. The Bureau Reporting Details screen shows all the settings that will be applied. You will want to set the Status Code to the appropriate deletion choice. The choices are "Delete account from bureau" and "Delete account from bureau due to fraud." Set the other settings as needed and then select NEXT.
  4. Select Bureau Report Details Form

    Click Here to View this Form.

  5. When you are ready, select START to process all the accounts that you tagged.

The batch process will examine each of the client's debtors, creating a new Metro contact to inform the bureau to delete the account. If an account has never been reported, CBR will be switched off.

When you run your credit report, the Metro contacts will be processed and CBR will be switched OFF on the accounts.

Useful Note If you stopped reporting on all accounts for a particular client, you will want to visit the Client Settings through the ADVANCED button on the Client form, and switch OFF the 'Report accounts to bureaus' and 'Send client detail to bureaus'. If you had set specific delay days for this client, you may zero out Delay Days as well.

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Accounts Not Yet Reported For A Client

For accounts which have never been reported to the credit bureau, it is only necessary to switch OFF reporting in your own records.

You can use the same steps as outlined above.

The batch process will examine each of the client's debtors, creating a new Metro contact to inform the bureau to delete the account, if any have been previously reported. All accounts that have never been reported will simply have CBR switched off and the Metro contact deleted.

If appropriate, go into the Client Settings through the ADVANCED button on the Client form and switch OFF "Report Accounts to Bureau."

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