Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

  Detailed Field Information Page Table of Contents Related 'How To' Tutorials

Select Bureau Report Details

The settings in the Select Bureau Report Details form will apply to the batch of accounts you are preparing for reporting to credit bureaus. These settings are taken from the credit reporting manuals. If you are unsure of the settings to choose, please ask your credit bureau representative.

Select Bureau Report Details

Press F1 or select the HELP button for more information.

Transaction Type

Collect! will automatically populate the transaction type. If you are processing accounts that have been previously reported, nothing will be appended to the TT code. If you are process new accounts, the number 1 will be appended to the TT code.

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Industry Code

This field contains the industry type that classifies the reporting agency.

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Account Type

This field contains the account type code that identifies the account classification.

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Status Code

This field contains the status code that properly identifies the current condition of the account.

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Portfolio Type

This field contains the type of the debt.

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Special Comment

This field is used in conjunction with the Account Status to further define the account. Special comment codes, when found, will however take precedence over the value in Account Status.

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This is used to designate an account in compliance with the ECOA.

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Condition Code

This field allows for reporting of a condition that is required for legal compliance; e.g., according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

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This is the country that the Debtor lives in.

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Info Indicator

This field contains a value indicating a special condition which applies to the Debtor cosigner.

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Press this button for help on the Select Bureau Report Details dialog and links to related topics.

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Select this to return to the previous form. You can then alter your settings or choose to close the batch processing procedure without running a batch.

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Select this to proceed with the batch process. The form that is displayed depends on the type of batch process you are preparing to run.

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Selecting Accounts To Process

  1. Select Tools from the top menu bar and then select Batch Processing from the drop-down choices.
  2. Choose Prepare accounts for reporting to credit bureaus. Choose Next to tag the accounts you want to setup.
  3. Press F8 after you have selected your accounts. Then choose Next. The Select Bureau Report Details form will be displayed.
  4. Set the credit bureau report details for the accounts you have just selected.
  5. Press Next to display the Run Credit Report Batch form where you can Start your batch process.

Useful Note You can run this process numerous times on different sets of accounts, and after setting up many groups, you can then create files for all the selected accounts at once.

Useful Note If you have Debtors in your search criteria that belong to Clients who are not set to report to the bureau, Collect! will skip these debtors during the preparation phase. Only Debtors belonging to Clients setup to report will be prepared for CBR reporting.

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