Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Delete A Single Account From The Credit Bureau

This document gives the steps to take when deleting a single account from the credit bureau. This requires familiarity with Collect!'s credit reporting module. These steps do not delete the account from your database, they simply turn off credit bureau reporting and delete the account from the bureau's records.

Useful Note Please be aware that the credit bureau has specific requirements for deleting accounts. Refer to Collection Agency and Debt Collector Reporting for more information. Your CBR manual and the Metro2 specifications provided by your representative should give you the information you need to choose the proper settings. Collect! provides the switches and the settings for proper reporting, but it is your responsibility to use them correctly. If you are unsure, please ask your credit bureau representative for clarification.

Credit Report Details Form

Click Here to View this Form.

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Remove Account From Bureau

Provided you have a valid reason for deleting the account from the credit bureau, here are the steps to delete the account from the bureau's records.

  1. Go to the Debtor record that you want to delete from the bureau. This debtor may be a brand new account ready to send its first Metro contact to the CBR. Or, the account may already have a completed Metro contact previously sent to the bureau.
  2. Select the CBR tab to view the Credit Report Details for the account.
  3. Select the down arrow next to the field labeled Status code and select Delete account from credit bureau or Delete account from bureau due to fraud from the pick list that is displayed.

  4. Status code - Delete account from credit bureau

    Useful Note You may also want to talk to your bureau representative, to find out whether or not you need to set any Special Comments or a Condition Code.

  5. If the debtor was already reported to the bureau and had a completed Metro contact, Collect! creates a new Metro contact to report the "DA" status to the credit bureaus. You can view the list of contacts to see the details of this Metro contact.

  6. In Progress Metro Contact with DA Status

    Useful Note The DA status means "Delete Account." This instructs the credit bureau to delete this account from their records.

    Collect! switches OFF "Report to credit bureau" and turns the CBR tab gray.

    Delete Account From Credit Bureau Status

  7. If the account was not yet reported to the bureaus, Collect! simply removes the In Progress Metro contact, switches OFF "Report to credit bureau" and turns the CBR tab gray.

  8. Account Not Previously Reported

    CBR settings revert to the defaults but reporting is switched OFF.

Useful Note Selecting Delete account from bureau due to fraud sends a DF status to the credit bureau, instructing the bureau to delete the account from their records. DF means "Delete due to Fraud."

Useful Note When the CBR process is run, whether the contacts are marked done or not, Collect! will write a note line with regard to the deletions stating that the account was deleted for the DA or DF. If a Cosigner was marked as Delete Borrow, a note line will also be written indicating the Z status.

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When you run your next credit report, these details will be sent and the Metro contact gets marked done. Collect! will no longer report this account to the bureaus.

If the debtor was brand new and had not been reported to the bureau yet, the Metro contact will be removed all together and CBR will be switched off for the account.

In both cases, the CBR tab turns gray and the "Report to credit bureau" switch gets turned OFF telling Collect! to stop reporting this account to the credit bureau.

Please refer to the Help topic, How to Turn Off Credit Bureau Reporting for tips on deleting a volume of accounts through batch processing.

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