Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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How To Read The Metro2 Format

Metro2 Format is the current standard format for reporting credit. It meets all the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). It allows most accurate and complete information on consumers' credit history.

Collect! provides the internal functions to report credit correctly using Metro2 in the 426 character format. However, there are a few rules to be handled by you as you report your debtors to the bureaus.

  • Report all accounts on a monthly basis.
  • Report all accounts with a final status code when they are ultimately paid or closed.
  • Credit grantors must report accounts at the close of each cycle.

When you run credit bureau reporting in Collect! a file is produced for you to send to the credit bureau. This file has one long line of data for each account that is reported. It is actually made up of several segments. Each one is described below. Select the link to open the detailed page for each segment.

Metro2 Format - Header Record

The Header Record is the first segment of a credit reporting file. It contains information necessary to identify the reporting entity or agency. It also identifies the credit bureau the file has been produced for and the reporting date.

In the image below, the fields in the Header Record are partitioned and identified. Actually, this is one long string of data in the reporting file.

In the tables below:

  • Field is the Metro2 Format Field number
  • Field Name is taken from the Metro2 Format. Refer to the Field Number and Field Name when you are trying to determine CBR requirements for particular areas.
  • Length and Position can be used as reference points when you are examining actual data in the report as Collect! generates it.
  • Source is the field in Collect! where the information is pulled from, or some sort of internal value, as indicated.
Field Field Name Length Position Source
1 Record Descriptor 4 1-4 Line Length
2 Record Identifier 6 5-10 Header
3 Cycle Number 2 11-12 Cycle Reporting -- BLANK
4 CCA Identifier 10 13-22 BLANK
5 Equifax Identifier 10 23-32 Credit Bureau Setup: Equifax Credit Grantor #
6 Experian Identifier 5 33-37 Credit Bureau Setup: Experian Control #
7 Trans Union Identifier 10 38-47 Credit Bureau Setup: TU Credit Grantor #
8 Activity Date 8 48-55 Last update to account balances
9 Date Created 8 56-63 Credit Report Date
10 Program Date 8 64-71 Internal Program Date
11 Program Revision Date 8 73-79 Internal Program Date
12 Reporter Name 40 80-119 Company Details: Name
13 Reported Address 96 120-215 Company Details: Address Lines 1-3
14 Reporter Phone 10 216-225 Company Details: Phone
15 Reserved 201 226-426 Program Creator and Version -- Help About

Useful Note Collect! uses the 426 character format when creating the credit reporting file in Metro2 Format.

For more information, please refer to your credit reporting manual or consult with your credit bureau representative.

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Metro2 Format - Base Segment

The Base Segment is the second segment of a credit reporting file. It contains the primary consumer's identification information and the account transactional information.

In the image below, the fields in the Base Segment are partitioned and identified. Actually, this is one long string of data in the reporting file.

In the tables below:

  • Field is the Metro2 Format Field number
  • Field Name is taken from the Metro2 Format. Refer to the Field Number and Field Name when you are trying to determine CBR requirements for particular areas.
  • Length and Position can be used as reference points when you are examining actual data in the report as Collect! generates it.
  • Source is the field in Collect! where the information is pulled from, or some sort of internal value, as indicated.
Field Field Name Length Position Source
1 Record Descriptor 4 1-4 Record length
2 Processing Indicator 1 5 Processing instruction
3 Time Stamp 14 6-19 Contact created Date and Time
4 Correction Indicator 1 20 Internal
5 Identification Number 20 21-40 Credit Bureau Setup: Identification #
6 Cycle Identifier 2 41-42 Cycle Reporting -- BLANK
7 Consumer Account Number 30 43-72 Debtor: File # or Client Account #
8 Portfolio Type 1 73 Credit Report Details: Portfolio
9 Account Type 2 74-75 Credit Report Details: Account Type
10 Date Opened 8 76-83 Debtor: Listed Date
11 Credit Limit 9 84-92 ZERO FILL
12 Highest Credit or Original Loan Amount 9 93-101 Debtor: Assignment Amount (If Assignment Amount is 0.00, then Principal is used)
13 Terms Duration 3 102-104 1
14 Terms Frequency 1 105 BLANK
15 Scheduled Monthly Payment Amount 9 106-114 ZERO FILL
16 Actual Payment Amount 9 115-123 Sum of Payment Transactions Amount since Last Month, Same Day
17A Account Status 2 124-125 Credit Report Details: Status Code
17B Payment Rating 1 126 BLANK
18 Payment History Profile 24 127-150 B - No Payment History
19 Special Comment 2 151-152 Credit Report Details: Special Comments
20 Compliance Condition Code 2 153-154 Credit Report Details: Condition Code
21 Current Balance 9 155-163 Debtor: Owing
22 Amount Past Due 9 164-172 ZERO FILL
23 Original Charge-off Amount 9 173-181 ZERO FILL
24 Billing Date 8 182-189 Credit Report Date
25 FCRA Compliance/Date of First Delinquency 8 190-197 Debtor: Delnqnt or zero filled if Current
26 Date Closed 8 198-205 Metro Contact: Date or zero filled if not Closed
27 Date of Last Payment 8 206-213 Debtor: Payment
28 Reserved 17 214-230 BLANK
29 Consumer Transaction Type 1 231 Internal
30 Surname 25 232-256 Debtor: Name
31 First Name 20 257-276 Debtor: Name
32 Middle Name 20 277-296 BLANK
33 Generation Code 1 297 Debtor: Generation
34 Social Security Number 9 298-306 Debtor: SSN
35 Date of Birth 8 307-314 Debtor: DOB
36 Telephone Number 10 315-324 Debtor: Home
37 ECOA Code 1 325 Credit Report Details: Association Code (ECOA)
38 Consumer Information Indicator 2 326-327 Credit Report Details: Indicator
39 Country Code 2 328-329 Debtor: Country
40 First Line of Address 32 330-361 Debtor: Address
41 Second Line of Address 32 362-393 Debtor: Address Line 2
42 City 20 394-413 Debtor: City
43 State 2 414-415 Debtor: State
44 Postal/Zip Code 9 416-424 Debtor: Zip
45 Address Indicator 1 425 Debtor: Address OK
46 Residence Code 1 426 BLANK

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Metro2 Format - J1 Segment

The J1 Segment accommodates the requirements of ECOA when reporting credit. It is included in the reporting file if the cosigner is being reported. The J1 Segment applies when the associated consumer resides at the same address as the individual being reported. It is included every time the account is reported.

In the image below, the fields in the J1 Segment are partitioned and identified. Actually, this is one long string of data in the reporting file.

In the tables below:

  • Field is the Metro2 Format Field number
  • Field Name is taken from the Metro2 Format. Refer to the Field Number and Field Name when you are trying to determine CBR requirements for particular areas.
  • Length and Position can be used as reference points when you are examining actual data in the report as Collect! generates it.
  • Source is the field in Collect! where the information is pulled from, or some sort of internal value, as indicated.
Field Field Name Length Position Source
1 Segment Identifier 2 1-2 J1
2 Consumer Transaction Type 1 3 Internal
3 Surname 25 4-28 Debtor Cosigner: Name
4 First Name 20 29-48 Debtor Cosigner: Name
5 Middle Name 20 49-68 BLANK
6 Generation Code 1 69 Debtor Cosigner: Generation
7 Social Security Number 9 70-78 Debtor Cosigner: SSN
8 Date of Birth 8 79-86 Debtor Cosigner: DOB
9 Telephone Number 10 87-96 Debtor Cosigner: Home
10 ECOA Code 1 97 Debtor Cosigner: ECOA
11 Consumer Information Indicator 2 98-99 Debtor Cosigner: Indicator
12 Reserved 1 100 BLANK

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Metro2 Format - J2 Segment

The J2 Segment accommodates the requirements of ECOA when reporting credit. It is included in the reporting file if the cosigner is being reported. The J2 Segment applies when the associated consumer resides at a different address than the individual being reported. It is included every time the account is reported.

In the image below, the fields in the J2 Segment are partitioned and identified. Actually, this is one long string of data in the reporting file.

In the tables below:

  • Field is the Metro2 Format Field number
  • Field Name is taken from the Metro2 Format. Refer to the Field Number and Field Name when you are trying to determine CBR requirements for particular areas.
  • Length and Position can be used as reference points when you are examining actual data in the report as Collect! generates it.
  • Source is the field in Collect! where the information is pulled from, or some sort of internal value, as indicated.
Field Field Name Length Position Source
1 Segment Identifier 2 1-2 J1
2 Consumer Transaction Type 1 3 Internal
3 Surname 25 4-28 Debtor Cosigner: Name
4 First Name 20 29-48 Debtor Cosigner: Name
5 Middle Name 20 49-68 BLANK
6 Generation Code 1 69 Debtor Cosigner: Generation
7 Social Security Number 9 70-78 Debtor Cosigner: SSN
8 Date of Birth 8 79-86 Debtor Cosigner: DOB
9 Telephone Number 10 87-96 Debtor Cosigner: Home
10 ECOA Code 1 97 Debtor Cosigner: ECOA
11 Consumer Information Indicator 2 98-99 Debtor Cosigner: Indicator
12 Country Code 2 100-101 Debtor Cosigner: Country
13 First Line of Address 32 102-133 Debtor Cosigner: Address Line 1
14 Second Line of Address 32 134-165 Debtor Cosigner: Address Line 2
15 City 20 166-185 Debtor Cosigner: City
16 State 2 186-187 Debtor Cosigner: State
17 Postal/Zip Code 9 188-196 Debtor Cosigner: Zip
18 Address Indicator 1 197 Debtor Cosigner: Address OK
19 Residence Code 1 198 BLANK
20 Reserved 2 199-200 BLANK

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Metro2 Format - K1 Segment

The K1 Segment contains the name of the Original Creditor and the Creditor Classification code. This segment must be included whenever an account is reported by collection agencies, debt collectors, factoring companies and others. This information is reported to help consumers identify the source of accounts when they appear on credit reports. Without the original creditor names, consumers may not know what the accounts represent.

In the image below, the fields in the K1 Segment are partitioned and identified. Actually, this is one long string of data in the reporting file.

In the tables below:

  • Field is the Metro2 Format Field number
  • Field Name is taken from the Metro2 Format. Refer to the Field Number and Field Name when you are trying to determine CBR requirements for particular areas.
  • Length and Position can be used as reference points when you are examining actual data in the report as Collect! generates it.
  • Source is the field in Collect! where the information is pulled from, or some sort of internal value, as indicated.
Field Field Name Length Position Source
1 Segment Identifier 2 1-2 K1
2 Original Creditor Name 30 3-32 Client: Name
3 Creditor Classification 2 33-34 Client: Type

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Metro2 Format - Trailer Record

The Trailer Record is the last segment of the credit reporting file. It includes cumulative totals of all records, all segments, all Metro2 status codes, SSN #'s, Dates of Birth, Phone Numbers and other information. This information is used to verify that all records received have been processed.

The image below shows the Trailer Record. In the reporting file, this is one long string of data.

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