Related Information

Access Rights - Default Settings

We have often been asked what the access rights settings are for all user levels. This document gives an overview of what the different user levels are allowed to do.

To find out in detail what user levels are allowed to do, select System from the top menu bar and drop-down menu will display a list of choices. Select User Levels to display a list of all user levels in the system. Select the user level you want to view and page down to see the items on the list of access rights for this level.

99 - Level 99 - Tech Access

Allowed access to all forms, fields and menu items. This level is "beyond the access rights" system, so you can use it to set the access rights for other levels. Field and form aliases will not show up in this level. Please reserve it for technical purposes.Do not use this as a normal operating user level..

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Own - Level 10 - System Manager

Allowed access to all forms, fields and menu items and all printing and batch processing functions. This level is "within the access rights" system, so you can use field and form aliases, as well.

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Mgr - Level 20 - Office Manager

Allowed access to most forms, fields and menu items, except Company Details and System Diagostics. User Level are Read Only. May access all printing and batch processing functions.

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Smg - Level 30 - Sales Manager

Sales manager has access to client demographics, but cannot change their financial details in the client settings form. They can also browse virtually all records in the database to help their supporting the clients. Sales managers can also print most administrative reports, while they do not have access to most batch processing and account management functions available from the Tools menu.

tip.gif Access in the masterdb database for Sales managers and Sales operators is limited to providing support and client satisfaction functions. Full access to prospecting information for these individuals is provided via the Prospecting database.

tip.gif To review scheduled activity for a client click reload in the WIP list. The form displayed lets you pick a few things. Clear the operator ID field and select a client ID and you will see all contacts scheduled currently for any given client.

Menus: - Browse, Everything.
- Print, A selection of reports to support client services, but may not edit reports.
- Tools, Only the ' Dial a Number' function is available
- Options, SMG may view but not edit basic system tables
- System, SMG may view the Operator list and Network activity

Forms: - Client, SMG can edit client demographic information.
- Client Settings, SMG can view this form.
- Debtor, SMG can only edit the Sales ID on the debtor form.
- Notes,SMG can add new notes but not alter or delete existing ones
- Financial Information, SMG view but not edit financial information and transactions.
- Contacts, SMG can add, edit and delete contacts
- Contact Plans, SMG can view contact plans.
- Attachments, SMG can view debtor attachments
- Status codes - view only
- Transaction Types - view only
- Commission Rate Plans - view only

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Cmg - Level 40 - Collection Manager

The Collection Manager can manage accounts including account assignment, running contact plans and many batch functions. The collection manager is typically responsible for day to day operation of collection activity.

Menus: - Browse, everything except transactions, invoices, payments and daysheets.
- Print, all daily reports, Client Status and Operator Commission reports.
- Tools, to assist with account management and batch processing.
- Options, CMG may view but not edit basic system tables

Forms: - Client, CMG can view client information but not edit.
- Client Settings, CMG can view this form.
- Debtor, CMG can edit basic demographic fields on the debtor record.
- Financial Information, CMG can only view financial information and transactions.
- Contacts, CMG can edit, add and delete contacts
- Attachments, CMG can add, edit and delete debtor attachments
- Notes, CMG can add new notes but not alter or delete existing ones
- Contact Plans, CMG can view contact plans.
- Status codes, view only

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Sc - Level 50 - Senior Collector

Allowed the same as a Junior Collector, plus can use the Browse Debtors, Contacts and Attachment commands.

Menus: - Browse, Find By
- Browse, Debtors, Contacts and Attachments
- Print, Reports and Letters
- Tools, Dial A Number and Predictive Dialer

Forms: - WIP List
- Debtor form
- Contact Events

Letters: Debtor letters are available to Senior Collectors. To edit access rights to Reports, please select Print from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Edit Reports. The list of reports is displayed. Select the report you want to change access rights to and the Report Definitions form will be displayed. Click the Options button on the bottom left of the form. Select the user levels you want to have access to the report in the User Level fields.

Contact Plans: A limited set of contact plans are available to the Senior Collector. Sign on as SC/SC and go to a debtor. Click the Action button on the Debtor form and you will see what plans are available. To change the rights to a Contact Plan, select System from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Contact Management Settings and a submenu will display. Select Contact Plans, View and the list of Contact Plans is displayed. Select the plan you wish to control and the Contact Plan form is displayed. Click the Security button on the Contact Plan form to set the access rights for the given plan.

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Jc - Level 60 - Junior Collector

Allowed access to basically perform collection activities using the WIP list. They can also use the Auto dialer and the Predictive dialer if they are set up by the system administrator.

JC may edit the Debtor Contact name, the phone numbers and the summary line on the account. JC may also enter new notes but can't delete existing ones. JC can also schedule contact events.

Menus: - Browse, Find By
- Print, Reports and Letters
- Tools, Dial A Number and Predictive Dialer

Forms: - WIP List
- Debtor form
- Contact Events

Letters: Debtor letters are available to Junior Collectors. To edit access rights to Reports, please select Print from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Edit Reports. The list of reports is displayed. Select the report you want to change access rights to and the Report Definitions form will be displayed. Click the Options button on the bottom left of the form. Select the user levels you want to have access to the report in the User Level fields.

Contact Plans: A limited set of contact plans are available to the Junior Collector. Sign on as JC/JC and go to a debtor. Click the Action button on the Debtor form and you will see what plans are available. To change the rights to a Contact Plan, select System from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Contact Management Settings and a submenu will display. Select Contact Plans, View and the list of Contact Plans is displayed. Select the plan you wish to control and the Contact Plan form is displayed. Click the Security button on the Contact Plan form to set the access rights for the given plan.

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Sal - Level 70 - Sales

The sales operator has read only access to that data required to answer questions from clients about their accounts.

They can add notes but not change existing notes. They can schedule a contact.

Menus: - Browse, Clients, debtors, contacts and attachments.
- Print, Letters.
- Tools, Only the ' Dial a Number' function is available
- Options, SAL may view status codes

Forms: - Clients, Read only
- Debtors, Read only
- Notes, Add new notes but not edit/delete existing notes
- Cosigners, Read only
- Attachments, Read only
- Status codes, Read only

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Acm - Level 80 - Accounting Manager

The Accounting Manager (ACM) can do everything ACT can do, plus they can change client and debtor accounting settings such as commission rates and rate plans. They cannot change basic system settings, nor can they delete clients or debtors.

Menus: - Browse, Everything
- Print, All Reports and Letters but cannot edit reports
- Tools, A selection of tools and utilities focused on accounting functions
- Options, ACM may view but not edit basic system tables

Forms: - Client, ACM can view client information but not edit.
- Client Settings, ACM can edit basic financial fields in this form.
- Debtor, ACM can edit limited fields on the debtor record.
- Transaction, ACM can add, edit and delete transactions
- Contacts, ACM can edit, add and delete contacts
- Attachments, ACM can view but not edit debtor attachments
- Notes, ACM can add new notes but not alter or delete existing ones
- ACM can alter debtor commission, principal or interest values (ACT may not)

Reports and Letters: - ACM can print basic debtor and client letters and reports.
- A selection of reports in the Print menu are available to ACM

Contact Plans: - A selection of basic contact plans is available to ACM

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Act - Level 85 - Accounting

Accounting can manage daily and periodic financial aspect of the system. They cannot change basic system settings, nor can they delete clients or debtors.

Menus: - Browse, Everything
- Print, All Reports and Letters but cannot edit reports
- Tools, A selection of tools and utilities focused on account functions
- Options, ACT may view but not edit basic system tables

Forms: - Client, ACT can view client information but not edit.
- Client Settings, ACT can view this form but not edit it.
- Debtor, ACT can edit limited fields on the debtor record.
- Transaction, ACT can add, edit and delete transactions
- Contacts, ACT can edit, add and delete contacts
- Attachments, ACT can view but not edit debtor attachments
- Notes, ACT can add new notes but not alter or delete existing ones
- ACT may not alter debtor commission, principal or interest values (ACM may)

Reports and Letters: - ACT can print basic debtor and client letters and reports.
- A selection of reports in the Print menu are available to ACT

Contact Plans: - A selection of basic contact plans is available to ACT

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Den - Level 90 - Data Entry

This operator is allowed to create new debtors but not delete them. This operator can manage new account data entry including batch importing access through the File menu Import/Export command. The operator does not have the ability to change import specifications. The operator can print select reports for daily accounting purposes and can perform many functions in the Tools menu.

Menus: - File, Import/Export
- Browse, Find By
- Browse, Clients, Debtors, Transactions, Contacts and Attachments
- Print, Reports and Letters and select Daily Reports
- Tools, Dial A Number and Predictive Dialer

Forms: - Debtor Form
- Contact Events
- Attachments
- Transactions, Edit but not delete

Letters: Debtor letters are available to DEN. To edit access rights to Reports, please select Print from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Edit Reports. The list of reports is displayed. Select the report you want to change access rights to and the Report Definitions form will be displayed. Click the Options button on the bottom left of the form. Select the user levels you want to have access to the report in the User Level fields.

Contact Plans: A limited set of contact plans are available to DEN. Sign on as DEN/DEN and go to a debtor. Click the Action button on the Debtor form and you will see what plans are available. To change the rights to a Contact Plan, select System from the top menu bar and a drop-down menu of choices will display. Select Contact Management Settings and a submenu will display. Select Contact Plans, View and the list of Contact Plans is displayed. Select the plan you wish to control and the Contact Plan form is displayed. Click the Security button on the Contact Plan form to set the access rights for the given plan.

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Leg - Level 95 - Legal

The legal operator can edit debtor demographics, schedule contacts, add notes, and can add and edit attachments. They may also print letters.

Menus: - Browse, Clients, debtors, contacts and attachments.
- Print, Letters.
- Tools, Only the ' Dial a Number' function is available
- Options, Company details, status codes and contact plans

Forms: - Clients, Read only
- Debtors, Basic demographics may be edited
- Cosigners, May be edited
- Attachments, Add, edit and delete attachments
- Notes, Add new notes but not edit/delete existing notes
- Status codes, Read only
- Company Details, Read only
- Contact plans, Read only

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Gst - Level 98 - Guest

All fields are greyed out for the Guest level. Most forms are inaccessible, however Guest may view status codes.

If the Operator Type is set to 'Client' and a valid Client # is entered, this level is considered a Client, and they may view the applicable Client form and the associated debtors and add Notes. Also, Browse, Find By is enabled for their accounts.

tip.gif Client ownership is a hierarchical system that allows you to use the Owned by client in the Client form. If the Client # you enter for the Operator owns other clients, they will also be visible to the particular operator through the Browse Debtors or Find By menus.

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See Also

- Enabling Your Clients to Browse for Records

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