Collect! Credit and Collection Software™

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Fax Setup

Use the Fax Setup form to set default phone numbers for Collect!'s Print To Fax feature. These defaults will be used when you print a batch of faxes either manually, by tagging records, or in your daily batch.

Fax Setup

This form may be accessed two ways.

  1. From the top menu bar, select System, then select Preferences, Reports and Printing. Select the FAX SETUP button to open the Fax Setup form.
  2. From the top menu bar, select Print, then select Settings, Report and Printer Setup. Select the FAX SETUP button to open the Fax Setup form.

Client, Debtor and Cosigner records each have 4 possible phone fields to choose from. Use the Fax Setup form to configure the default number to use for each record type.

Useful Note The pick list choices for each record type are taken from the phone field labels. If fields are aliased, then the pick list will show the aliased labels.


Select a phone field from the Client form to use as a default. The default choices are Home, Fax, Cell and Other.

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Select a phone field from the Debtor form to use as a default. The default choices are Home, POE#, Cell and Other.

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Debtor Cosigner

Select a phone field from the Debtor Cosigner form to use as a default. The default choices are Home, Work, Cell and Other.

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Select this button for help on the Fax Setup form and related topics.

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Select Cancel to ignore your changes and return to the previous form.

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Select OK to save your changes and return to the previous form.

Top of page.


The settings you specify in the Fax Setup will be used when you print to fax in your daily letter batch.

When you print from a single account manually, the Print Report form will display the phone numbers according to your default Fax Setup choices.

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